New item: Best Path In Life



If I had it a few years ago, I sincerely believe that my situation would not be what it is now, I would have struggled less, way less


Will this attract your soulmate to you? Since your soulmate is supposed to be your “ideal” lover and the one destined for you.


With BPIL you get what your Higher Self sees as the best outcome for you (which can be anything - one does not know until you can fully communicate with your Higher Self).
With Glory tag you get what you focus on.
That is how I understand it and that is why I use the Glory tag instead.

I really hope @Captain_Nemo could give us a more clear answer here what to expect with BPIL.

From my understanding:
The whole point of being incarnated is that we as soul fragments collect experience and then feed it back to the Higher Self. The Higher Self is the future you who has collected all the experiences that it wanted and knows which life routes are “the Best”.

It ultimately comes down to the question whether one’s Ego can trust the Higher Self with the guidance.

…which may be a real challenge, if the ego has experienced so much frustration and negativity during its current incarnation.

However, I believe that the solution is not ego death. But the development of True Free Will while being an incarnated soul fragment. And then use this Free Will to constantly re-negotiate the path of development with your Higher Self.

Once you reach a certain % of True Free Will, you become the leading soul fragment of all soul fragments within your Higher Self. Which means you will be responsible for all your Other Selves as well :upside_down_face:


You couldn’t have explained it better, congratulations!


I have another, more important question.

Does this tag override your free will entirely? Or are you still able to ignore the tag’s nudges and do whatever you want?
I’m asking because I have a specific goal in mind that I want to fulfill before the end of the year, which is to write a full novel-length story. However, I’m worried that BPIL will cause this goal to fail if I start using it before I complete my goal.


No it will not override your free will, you are still free to choose it will be just easier if the thing you want is in the best path.You are still free to choose if you will wear it.


Then you must have Reach for the Stars


Hey. How do you feel when you think about writing the novel? Does it feel good? Does it excite you? If it makes you feel really good, then it’s right for you.

The only thing that might affect you and the goal is the timeframe. Maybe by the end of the year is the perfect time. But be open and flexible to the possibility that “stuff” might pop up in your life that needs to be addressed and change that date you have set in your mind. It doesn’t mean your dream or goal wasn’t the right one. We just don’t always know how things are supposed to play out in life.

Trust your feelings and trust the process (and allow for flexibility for the timeframe if necessary).


Well for feelings, I consider this book as my Magnum Opus (at least in this era of my life). That’s why I’m so scared of it failing. My biggest concern is the possibility of external forces beyond my control making it impossible for me to complete the story. I have rarely seen through anything to the end in my life, so I feel a lot of pressure on me to finish this.

Also, i’ve invested in this idea for over a year, so i don’t want my time and energy to have been wasted.


Congrats on the book :clap:t3::clap:t3:

I know this can be sometimes easier said than done, but you need to get the focus off of “failing” and consciously place your focus on exactly what you want. And keep it there. Like working a muscle, it’s a habit.

Good news is that you’re in the right community :sweat_smile:. Use fields that work on confidence, self-esteem, creativity, gratitude, and willpower. Subconscious limits removal. Abundance. There are so many choices to help you. When you fill your aura with these fields, it’s working to replace the old habits of things like worry and anxiety. You’re literally re-wiring yourself by creating new neuropathways in the mind and body so you automatically vibrate positively. Again, depending on where you’re at, the amount of time it takes can vary. The fact that you’ve already taken up a project like this tells me you’re already on the right path.

Keep your eye on the goal and use the treasure trove of tools here, and you’ll find yourself liking the results. :blush:


Looks like Luna’s writing up a Magnum Opus of her own :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


BPIL is to ultimately put you in the path of genuine deep joy with all ingredients in your life.

Are you at least content with your life as it is now and with the short and medium term goals you have in plans?

If the answer is yes then maybe get Reach for the Stars or Intercession instead, if you have more or less clear what you want out of your life at least as of now.

If the answer is not or you know what you want deeply in your heart (in your case it sounds like it) then get it this tag could help you reach that goal faster and easier if in your heart you feel this is your call :smirk: dont be afraid. This tag and I cant stress this enough either opens up the roads for you to see a bigger project that could actually be better and make you happier but you dont see (and i think that is super awesome) instead of the one you are trying to walk on, this might sound sad now because YOU ARE ONLY IMAGINING YOUR LIFE BEING FULFILLED AND HAPPY THE WAY YOU THINK… but if you could foreseen the other options and realize that those are way better what would you choose? Easy answer. The tag answers for you, you just have to exist and enjoy life lol literally. And let the tag unfold your destiny for you in a beautiful way.
Or if “coincidentally” (using this word for the sake of the idea) what you want is indeed in the path of your destiny to be happy THEN this tag shows you and brings you the situations, people, places, ideas, luck, etc that would take you to your goal without feeling like you are in a for ever maze to get there.

In your case. Let me take it as an example.

You want to release the book. And you want to do so by end of this year. Thats the goal.
If it doesnt happen that way in your head thatd be a failure, that may be already causing stress, anxiety, nervousness etc? Even if at a subconscious level… but its there. The fair of failing is there and might increase as time to the end of the year approaches. Your life might be about avoiding the failure not actually about enjoying the process and feeling happy and excited about that time coming… when your book is out there!!!
Imagine you got to release it when you wanted…
You pushed and pushed and got through… you didnt fail. You are happy and feel accomplished. You feel this is your life destiny so it motivates you…

But the outcome is not as expected right away or in the short term. Oh but you are happy because it happens how you thought and planned but… will you be really happy? I dont think so. Because just releasing the book was not all for you to feel successful. So you keep pushing… maybe next one will be a success and then half of your life is about the next one waiting for that break through.

Lets see how it could be with the tag.

Maybe. Things here and there get delayed and your book does not get released by end of the year.
But during the following months the delays and twists give you the chance to meet influential people that could not have crossed your path earlier this year BUT when you meet them, things go smoothly and by the time the book is finally released maybe next year: it will be a TOTAL success. You get fast forward into your destiny, the one that will make you really happy. Why? Because things happened in perfect synchronicity.

Of course we are always at choice as someone mentioned above, but the magic about this tag is that the choices present themselves in a very clear and understandable manner that you easily know what is the right one and why. And you feel fuzzy inside, and warm, and happy with butterflies in your stomach because it is so clear and so real that theres no doubt about being on the right path of your finally fulfillment in life. and then those delays also come with meeting a special someone that was there at so and so place at the time you were supposed to be not before not after.

You literally start seeing great things and situations falling in place in front of your eyes and you just feel sure that you want whatever is coming your way.

But once again. We are all at choice, whatever you choose will teach you and show you what you need to grow into your dream or to expand your spiritual consciousness… with lessons :tipping_hand_woman:t2: Either way you win but it could take longer and lots of disappointments in between. What do you choose?


Haha lol

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Thank you for your insights! Really helpful. I think I’ll buy BPIL now since it’s more in my price range, and then after my birthday I’ll use my birthday money to get Glory. In the meantime before I get glory, i’ll take BPIL for a little spin and see if it will fuck up my book plans. If nothing changes by the time I get the glory tag, I’ll switch back over to glory until after I fulfilled my goal.
If BPIL alters my trajectory though, i’ll keep that on instead and try to trust the path it’s setting me on.

EDIT: Aww man, shop’s closed! Oh well, at least I’ll have a plan for when it reopens (fingers crossed that Glory and BPIL will still be there)

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Lol i knew that before writing my long essay :persevere::laughing: and i was like should i just tell him to wait what if he changes his mind by the time shop is opened again lol

Thank you for this amazing BPIL testimonial and detailed description :relieved:

This actually makes me now re-think whether I should put off the Glory tag from my neck and put the BPIL on instead :thinking: :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile:


Haha well try and see what happens :yum::innocent:


[quote=“Mctoran, post:62, topic:7143”]
EDIT: Aww man, shop’s closed! Oh well, at least I’ll have a plan for when it reopens[/quote]
FWIW, not that long ago, I bought mine from Enlightened States. In case you wanted to–you know–follow your current inspiration.

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Wait… you’re saying you can order through enlightened states? Thought it redirected you to the Sapien shop lol

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