How did you discover Sapienmed?

honestly, sapien is like a God sent angel lool…

I was struggling with so much mental health issues due to abuse from childhood to my teens which have resulted in so much addictions such as heavy drugs it came to a point where I have severely damaged my body and Im like only 21. One night I was crying cause of physical pain (kidneys) and I opened YouTube to search for remedies as I didn’t want to bother my family with more disappointments from me. the first thing I saw was the kidney regeneration video clicked on it and as soon as the video started there was a surge of energy through my stomach area and the pain went completely away as I listened to it religiously. in the present moment I am 5 months clean and sapiens videos has expanded my consciousness on a astronomical level, he has helped me realise my life purpose and help me redeem myself. eternally grateful for sapien… I honestly can’t wait for the fearlessness pendant to get delivered … :slight_smile:


You’re amazing. I am proud of you.


Btw it was never called project vampire 666, just project vampire.
Some people added the “666” because they thought that sounded evil and started rumors about it, so eventually, that got popular.


I was listening to binaural beats for few years already - to help me with anxiety & various minor health issues and without success, I have to admit.

Then maybe a year ago, I’ve searched online for recommended YouTube channels and Sapien popped up in an article.

I was struggling with gums and teeth issues at that time so I tried his related videos.
It worked almost instantly and I was hooked up :blush::smile:

So I’m a brand new member of this whole community and I feel more than blessed that the universe showed me the way.
I’m sharing my experience and the videos with friends and family for them to also realize how powerful all this is.


Hey Noah!

Thanks for your message :slight_smile:
Yeah there’s so many channels around this topic, it’s not easy to find your way and mostly to find accurate ones!
Sapien is definitely a very good and professional one, I’m glad that I’ve discovered it!
Where are you from?


I already accepted that I remembered the name incorrectly. I know nothing of these rumours you speak of or where they were supposedly spread.


I found Sapien while looking for subliminals on Yt, I listened and felt my body responding…nothing like that had happened with the other subliminals I was listening to and these were much shorter length listening timesj…so I built a playlist and played while I slept as I did with the subs. It’s been about a month and I’m feeling better…no more BP meds!! Mind blown!


I was sick a few years back and trying to find a binaural frequency for my particular ailment. I don’t remember if I ever did, or if I did and it didn’t help. But then I found this. I don’t think I even believed in it. I was just like, “what the heck, I’m desperate, I’ll try it”. And then I started noticing things changing.


I discovered sapien channel back in i think before 2012 i dont remember exactly but one video i listened to it that was the DHEA video at that time i think it was uploaded several times then i came back to channel in 2014 listening to testosterone videos by then i discovered xtrememind… But something had lead me to sapien my prayer and my awakening because i never go on youtube i used only facebook and watch movies back in 2012


I discovered Sapien first time in 2016 looking for muscle growth, but in that time I didn’t consider it as real stuff, idk why
Back in 2018 I had major problems and negative emotions with I couldn’t cope it, and I looked for help everywhere but none helped me, and I started use some Sapiens fields and I saw some effects, so I decided to message him to ask for advice and to my great surprise he decided to create for me private mp3. I thought:. “what a great man” . I instantly knew this is my path, my solution, and till this day it proved itself to be so. I am so grateful, he did help me majorly changing me let say drastically if I compared myself with my previous version. Thank you!


So how did that field help you and what were the effects?

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How did you discover Sapien Medicine?

  • YouTube Recommended Video
  • YouTube Search
  • Internet Search Engine
  • Suggestion by friends or family
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i dont remember exactly which video i listened back in 2012 or 2011 but it was like a greenish image in the video with static sound like pink noise i think it was DHEA at least i remember it was hormone video

then i went to their old website which was basic in html had some explanation and linked to videos to youtube Dna rejuvenation some others


A few months ago after a rather unpleasant boat ride from an island in Thailand I was on the bus to the airport. I was exhausted and some sponsored ad recording started playing on IG. It immediately caught my attention and I listened to the whole hour recording. Of course at the end they wanted me to buy this track that if I listened to it everyday would change my subconscious mind. I did not buy it, but for the next 48 hours I researched and read everything I could on this topic, which is how I stumbled upon Sapienmed. The youtube tracks resonated, I wanted more, and a way to listen to them without relying on Youtube, which lead me to Patreon. I signed up and have been listening to tracks on my way to work and sometimes on my walk home nearly everyday since! Pure magic! Thank you!


I started first with subliminals and in comment section was mentioned SM as highly recommended.The audios I started with worked for me immediately.


2 days ago, random comment on Twitter. I am lucky to be here.


Like I assume many of y’all also has done my journey started on Google, when I tried to find a way to boost my testosterone levels in a way that wasn’t gonna cost me alot of money or a waste of time. The reason is that I have always been tiny n at age of 35 pretty much look like I’m still a teenager. I got on YouTube n found some binaural beats n subliminal messages n stuff but I also found Sapiens channel mentioned on one of those videos n on there I first found the Subconscious Limits (Removal) video n later the energetic automatic workout videos n the testosterone booster. From that time (November/December 2019) I’ve been a ‘believer’ of Sapiens. Lol. ‘kay, that’s my story short.:grin::sunglasses::+1:


Yea same as for me. Lol

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Whaaa??! BB didn’t work??! Hmm :thinking: weird… that’s what I tried for uh my privates haha but in combination with subliminal messages n a few of Sapiens fields. It seems to have worked for Me n actually quite fast as well.:face_with_monocle:

Lol, great! I’ve been there a few times. Myself I’m a skånepåg haha :laughing:

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Haha same thing here