How did you find sapien?

He has traveled into another different one timeline and multiverse , so don’t worry lol

Great story Sam, I have almost believed in first one


Lol well, all I can say to that is fantasy tends to have bits of one’s truths sprinkled in.


You know Dream on real life too? Have you ever met?

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Dream lives on a remote island surrounded by the ocean on all sides.

There are also sharks in that area, so I’ve heard.

There is one ferry that takes you to the island at 9:58 am every day and thats it!!

A few people tried to swim their way to him, but giant whales blocked the way!


Hahahah STAAHP


Yeah they always imagine him something like that-mystical. From what i can say from his replies he seem to live casual life… Maybe his neighbours don’t even know what powers he has :smiley:

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How he get internet there tho? :grinning:


I mean he can bring down and harness whatever up in the cosmos, u think internet at his place is a problem? :laughing::sunglasses:


Yeah lol, who knows what crazy shit he can do. He cretated scent from sound how crazy that sound have you ever wonder :smile:


I’d subscribe to an astral WiFi

Lmao. I have the same story as you basically. I randomly just searched for videos on how to attract women. I found one that worked for me within 3 weeks. I was completely detached. I just listened just to listen and I had a goth girl look at me like she wanted to eat me right on the spot.

It was a nice experience. Then I found out about Sapien when I was just looking for other channels to listen to.

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Did Dale has other disciples besides Dream and Maoshan?

_OM, but I’m sure there were others too

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Well this is also nice but to be honest I prefer the first story so thats the one I believe xx


Hi everyone…

I apologize for my bad English, it’s not my original language.

I found Sapien last summer, after a long hard period of time since 2019.

I was looking on YT for something someone to help me overcome my anxiety, fear, panic attacks, insecurities etc…

Without hesitation, I started listening to all Dream Sapien work on YT, I don’t have a preferred audio because they are all essential and important.

I really want to thank the universe for the biggest gift called,
(Dream, Sapien… whoever is making those audios)

I am so grateful and I love you from the bottom of my heart,
even if I don’t get yet the results that I want,
I trust you and I will continue to listen to your Gems …

God bless you and protect you, so many people need your help.

I wish you all the best.


I first encountered Dreamweaver’s work in 2013 at the old Xtrememind forum which then closed a couple of years later. I found Xtrememind because I was new to radionics and was searching and reading through various sites for experimentation and usage in radionics. I think after radionics the next thing I searched and read up on at Xtrememind was reiki and subtle energy because I was first attuned to Reiki in 2008 and had a couple of other attunement systems by then. I then joined the dreammagick forum in late 2013.


I don’t remember what I was looking for, I want to say I was looking for a depression treatment that didn’t involve drugs and something to help with changing a few things about my body, but I began exploring the subliminal world in maybe 2014 when I was 19 (besides practical stuff, I liked listening to just-for-fun subs like “become a superhero” and whatnot). I stumbled across Sapien’s Youtube channel in early 2015 and I could immediately tell that there was something different about it - I was so intrigued by the concept of instead of just passing messages to the subconscious, directly pushing your body to make the changes. I sort of listened off and on over the next few years but didn’t really commit to listening consistently until about two years ago.