So i found about sapien quite a bit ago im 16 and i listened to his Testosterone audio and i was new so i just listened alot and now i have anabolic steroids abuse symptons ed,low sperm count,infertility,shrunken testicles can someone tell me what i need to listen to so i can heal?
You can try Advanced Healing which is available on Gumroad.
Other audios you can try:
Energy blockage removal
Jing Restoration
Endocrine Rejuvenation (Helps fix the pituiary gland which is the gland that produces testosterone)
Alien Intercession ( Calls upon aliens and they help you where you need it)
Angelic Intercession
Other advice: Don’t Overplay Testosterone audio. Use it once and play Estrogen Reduction after that. Until you are all fixed up, try to avoid the hormone audios in general.
Good Luck and have a safe recovery!
Which exact audio did you listen to?
He said he overused testosterone audio. The negative side effects kicked in from overplaying it.
Hmm, from what i thought of that one is that it tells your body to create more natural testosterone. I expected it to be similar to what clomid would do. Id like to know for myself too. I thought maybe he was using extreme muscle growth also.
None the less the endocrine one you suggested should be good. Also maybe Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone audio may help because stimulate the gonads - in the testes.
It was his old lion Testosterone audio
Sorry to hear that. Like lol said about the endocrine audio plus the lh & fsh audio. But don’t overplay the endocrine audio, it’s strong.
Is his alien intercession on YouTube? Cant seem to find it also how does it work sounda kinda scary
It is on dream seeds. Read the description to find out more about it. It is not as scary as you think.
Bro are you a member on Patreon? There’s one particular field that can be of major benefit to you
The Luteinizing hormone and hair follicle hormone can help with your problems…
It increases fertility and makes your testicles bigger, it’s very effective. (Also increases testosterone too)
Im 16 so no that sucks for me
You can become a member for 5 bucks man, maybe ask your parents if you can use their card and become a member and download the audio file and unsubscribe if you wish
Dont wanna get into detail but thats basically impossible lol his endocrine and jing should be enough right?staying away from alien and angel intercession People talking about how they saw ufos and heard noises n shit so im staying away from those 2
Maybe, try it out man, I think it should work i just don’t know for how long it will take for your testes to return to normal size again… with the field on Patreon I would assume it to work in less than a week but that’s not an option lol
Try listening to ego dissolution before endocrine rejuvenation as well to get better results, good luck man hope you return to normal soon!
Since you’re young your body will recover on it’s own but obviously it will take longer without the help of any PCT (Post Cycle Therapy), which means you will have to deal with the side effects longer, for example, if you used Test audio to develop muscle mass, there’s a high chance you will lose all your gains.
The LH and FSH audios like the guys recommended above would do the trick.
I have seen people recommending this channel before, maybe you can give it a try.
He had one
I’d recommend stay away from these kind of videos if u don’t know anything about hormones. Now you can search for things such as Low estrogen symptoms, High estrogen symptoms, Low Testosterone symptoms, High testosterone symptoms, etc… then u can control it either reduce the hormones or increase the hormones with these videos. Next time i recommend to use Testosterone boost ver 2.5 (if u want to increase testosterone) because it claim to increases ur own natural production, thus you don’t even need to listen to it for awhile.
Could these 2 help?
No idea but if i were you i would just regulate my hormones.