How do we correct the energetic overload

I havent printer… If i only look sometimes?

I have a few questions for you if it’s not intrusive.

  • what caused your health problem?
  • how are your external relations going (friends, family, professional) ?
  • the place where you live, where you sleep is favorable? (noise pollution, electromagnetic pollution)
  • compared to your diet, how is it going? what are your eating habits what do you usually eat and drink?
    -What’s the name of your antidepressant?

The audios don’t seem to do much for you. there is something to sort out first i think to help the audio run better without too much problem.


Health Problems;
Mentally problems: From my family and child traumas.
Physical problems: antidepressant side effects and some subliminals

I have no friends
Bad relations with family

Have electromagnetic pollution and noise

My diet;
(I am 1.83 tall and 64 kg low weight…)
Zero sugar
Less fat
Less salt
I only drink water(2 liters) everyday for 1-2 year
I don’t even drink cola or unhealthy thing for 1 years.
Never drink cigaratte and alcohol or something.


(The names do not matter, the type and content are important)

Sitolapram, sertralin(Ssri type)


Just wanted to say, I really hope you feel better and recover very soon. My best wishes and prayers. :pray: :pray: :pray:


Thank you very much. I wish I could more than before. wealth, greatness, strength, fame. I don’t want any of them anymore, I just want health. If you have health, you have everything. life taught me this the hard way, I hope I can regain my health…

Any my new playlist from _Om

Ego Dissolution 1x
Overall Anxiety Removal 1x
Amygdala Healing 1x
Soul Core Restoration 1x
Soul Heart Core Restoration 1x
Vibration of Creation 1x
Abundance Mindset 1x
Advanced Healing 1x


ok thanks for taking the time to detail.

The cause of everything is due to your trauma in your childhood. you have to find a way to work on it and get rid of it. withdraw negative emotions that have integrated into your body.

if the environment where you are is not favorable for a good sleep, you should see to find a better place if you can.

Take the time to get out, take in the air and the Sun as much as possible.

if you can i would advise you to take natural antidepressants.

I don’t know if you are aware of the side effects of anti depressants, I researched sertraline.

here is what is written:


Side effects occur mostly during the first few weeks of treatment and usually subside thereafter.

Very common (more than 1 in 10 patients): drowsiness or on the contrary insomnia, headache, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, ejaculation disorders.

Common: depression, nightmares, anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, unwanted teeth grinding, tremors, tingling, muscle pain, inattentiveness, abnormal taste, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, difficult digestion, gas, yawning, ringing in the ears , visual disturbances, rash, excessive sweating, hair loss, increased or loss of appetite, palpitations, hot flashes, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction.

More rarely: hallucinations, euphoria, abnormal thoughts, aggressiveness, mental disorders, suicidal ideation, somnanbulism, cramps, joint pain, involuntary movements, difficulty urinating or on the contrary urinary incontinence, pupil dilation, convulsions, tachycardia, hypertension, discharge of milk through the nipple, irregular periods, allergic reaction, low sodium level in the blood, increased transaminases.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants can also cause:
unpleasant restlessness and an irrepressible need to move (inability to sit or stand still). If these disorders occur, contact your doctor;

bleeding such as bruising, nosebleeds, genital or digestive haemorrhages;

rare cases of serotonin syndrome, the main manifestations of which are: tremors, confusion, agitation, exaggerated reflexes, muscle stiffness, dizziness, unexplained fever, sweating. The appearance of several of these symptoms requires medical advice.


Try the energy blockage removal sound for a while. if it can allow you to contribute to the energetic cleansing.


it has nothing to say about your diet, it’s ok :ok_hand:

just to pay attention to food association for better digestion.

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I’m no expert in nutrition, but zero sugar can’t be good. Also fat isn’t bad at all. Same for salt.
Are you thirsty and need to drink 2 litres of water a day? You only need to drink water when you are thirsty, drinking too much water can flush all your vitamins and minerals pretty fast.

Just my 2 cents.


i think everyone should be careful with all these audios. You can overwhelm your entire system not just yours but other people as well. It’s pretty human to get greedy :smiley:

I have had mono from EBV over the past weeks and i feel the same about the fields. It can be harmful.

I ordered the shumann resonance and asked a psychic to make a sigil to restore the integrety of my aura.

we should all take a break from these fields. they cause more harm than they do good if not used correctly and overdosed.


Nothing change… My blood sugar rises again(150) and now i listen again to diabetes field. I feel like a curse. I am sick and listening to the field to recover, this blood sugar is rising and this is a terrible thing. I’m really tired. Is there anyone to explain this strange situation? This stack raised my blood sugar like hakuin egg. Why is this happening? Why do I see such strange results. How will I heal?

Please help me for solve this strange situation

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I know this argument is very boring to listen to, but your negative beliefs may be giving you reverse results, try to stop thinking that there is no solution for you, you don’t have to become the most positive person in the world, including I am not this kind of thing, but I experienced a big change during this year, I can say for sure that I am less negative than I was before, I highly recommend this formula:


But before everythings be worked good. After Concordia and ufmbr from thomas i see strange effects from subliminals,frequencies, fields. One of these subliminals that completely collapsed me, I had listened to them for 1-2 months. So I started taking antidepressants again and I was totally bad and I was just listening to ufmbr while using antidepressant.

May I ask, have you been diagnosed as Type I or II diabetes???

Obviously, the solution is here :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Why don’t you stop everything from Sapien’s and any other creators like a hard reset, do it for 2 weeks or more… and then report. I want to know how your body reacts without the fields


No, I had a blood test 2 months ago when my blood sugar was high, it was normal. And this test shows the blood sugar rates last 3 months ago. So I am not diabetes or prediabetes

I think the best captain can dissolve this, but he is also very busy. I wish he would read what I wrote on this subject and tell me the reason / solution.

There may be something malicious in these channels, or done poorly, in which case you need another audio that will end these effects, unless you have knowledge about magic or hire a magician.

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I dont know really

Have you tried adrenal fields?