How do you bring more balance into your life?

let’s share our tips and tricks for everyone to collectively have more balance in their life.

for me, more balance means more flow and freedom.

how do you balance your spirituality with technology?

how do you balance your generosity with your personal needs?

feel free to come up with other questions related to the subject in order for everyone to start questioning and answering.

right now i’ve been allowing my Higher Self/intuition guide me on what to do and how to be in the present moment.

sometimes that means playing video games without looking at the time.

sometimes it’s to sleep without looking at the time.

sometimes it’s to exercise without looking at the time.

sometimes it’s to eat until full and satisfied.


For me more balance was a natural byproduct of aligning with my higher self and following interests that excited me more of the time. Certain behaviors, activities and people just didn’t interest or resonate with me anymore. So, if someone is wanting more balance. I think a helpful first step would be to quiet all the external noise and align with your inner being or higher self. Find out what your real authentic desires and interests are and start following that. It’s important to remember to not have a negative judgment about balance versus out of balance though. Ultimately they are just different experiences. As an immortal soul you actually want to have an infinite number of different experiences.


I am not that brilliant however as per my understanding if your Muladhar (root chakra) is balanced then you would feel balanced


I find balance in my life when I follow my intuition.

I found that when “I’m on track” luck, and positivity are everywhere around me. But when I’m not it’s the opposite.

I don’t usually have cash on me but when I do I give it to the homeless people. If I don’t have cash and I’m at a food store and there is a homeless people I sight I ask them I they want something to eat. That’s how I try to bring generosity around me.

I also try to help the people around me. I help tourist find their way or communicate with the locals. I help people carry heavy things. The list go one but you get the idea.

Sometimes I can’t do it because I’ve my own needs and I accept it but on don’t do it twice in a row.

That’s pretty much how I find balance intuition and not being selfish twice in a row.


Nice :ok_hand:


I find balance by going all-in one what I’m attracted to and ignoring the rest. Slowly removing distractions and simplifying my daily life so that I can stay in good mental and physical health with minimum effort.

In my opinion, it’s not as much about balancing everything as it is about removing the most to focus on the core.

I think one should go slow, accept that the balance isn’t there right away. Build the foundations and move on to the next area that needs improving, it will all fit together and make sense when the time is right. The slower you go and the more you accept the disorder, the faster you master each successive steps to reach higher and higher levels of “overall balance”.
Divide and conquer, break down and prioritize

Trying to “balance life” is too vague, you are far more likely to get confused and burned out.


I live in a town/area where there are no homeless people, even in the main city, which is Zurich, it’s very rare that you see someone homeless. but people may come up to you and ask for money (that happens to me once in 2 months or so… so really not often).

I keep some change in my pocket just because of this. On the one hand, is makes it a bit more convenient to give, on the other hand it’s a bit safer because you don’t get your wallet out - and I’m still eastern European at heart lol

You realize that sounds like the opposite not balance at the first glance, right? :sweat_smile:
But I get what you mean :ok_hand:

Regarding the main topic, these days I don’t really think about it.
I never look at the time unless I know I have an engagement or if I’m working.

It sounds a bit wo-hoo, but I think that you actually find balance when you realise you don’t really need to balance e.g. personal needs Vs generosity ect. because actually these are not opposites.


In my case:

To find balance i need to know exactly what causes the imbalance first or at least how imbalance manifests. It could be:

Insomnia/sleeping a lot
Gaining/losing weight
Totally avoiding interactions with ppl outside work for long periods
Impulsive unnecessary purchases
I usually snap out of negative emotions rather fast like max 2 days, so if i notice its been longer, then thats a sign too
Having more than 6 months with exactly the same life (nothing new, not changing anything, not learning anything, not trying anything new)
Being messy

One of more are a red flag that my life its unbalanced so i start doing some or all depending how bad i feel:

Chanting Mantras is #1 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::raised_hands:t3: (I chant a lot daily until i feel getting back to balance)
Meditating earlier and in nature if possible
Exercise more and or more yoga
Do a detox
Letting my inner child play (this one is very very important for me)
Learning something new

It doesnt matter if the imbalance is on money, love, work, friendship, family etc finding my center again puts me back on track.

ENERGETIC ALCHEMY :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:


By letting go of the idea of ‘balance’, it balances itself.