How do you deal with emotional detox from fields?

I’ve been playing this stack every night and since i’ve added KQC (i’m not surprised)
it’s been pretty intense.

  • KQC
  • SLD 3.0
  • Aura Repair
  • Point of No Return
  • Blueprint of Life
  • Emotional Release
  • Vibrational Riser
  • Conceptual Realizations
  • New Perspectives

My goal with this was to do some transformative healing but the emotional aspect is starting to affect me a bit in my day to day life.

Any recommendations on how do deal with the intense emotions?

It feels like i’ve just been through a heartbreak which is odd cause my life is actually in a pretty good place right now.


You can try to add the Internal Alchemical Crucible and burn all that emerge as emotional detox


As soon as I saw this I went to play it.

Do you think that audio would assist in keeping the emotions/side effects of my transformation at bay?

or at least minimizing them to the point where by the time I wake up i’ve already processed most of it?

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I would advise against this unless you are interested in following a spiritual path.

My honest recommendation to you would be just stick with the stack and push through. Layers of your being will come to surface and you will begin understanding these parts of you in much different ways and as you go deeper and deeper this will likely lead to a lot more emotions coming to surface this is a natural part of the healing process.

Just remember that stack is a very nice stack I must say but is also working on soooo much at once and I’m not sure how long you have had these fields but if you got them all within a small time frame then maybe every other day of using that stack would be better.

And as for fields to help I wouldn’t recommend adding anything more other then Supreme Grounding+ that should help with the emotions nicely


Yes I was actually thinking about doing this stack every other day instead of every night, I usually go from this foundational stack straight into my structural stack which is


  • KQC
  • Become Whole
  • Self Respect
  • The Majesty
  • Super Serum
  • Advantageous Brain Plan
  • Elysian Focus
  • Koritsudo
  • Billionaire Catalyst
  • Acu-Automation
  • Grounding

In all honesty this is more important to me than the foundational stack since it’s building an identity I would like + it’s orchestrated towards my goals.

Do you think it would just be better to go straight into this stack every night & play the foundational stack every other day?


Do what feels the most comfortable


This makes a lot of sense.
As you escalate the past and purify yourself, a lot of things will resurface, particularly unresolved matters and/or matters you haven’t addressed yet.

Emotions you might notice are regret, anger, sadness, etc. When you notice these, try to stay with them, no pushing away, no inviting in, a simple respectful acknowledgement that they exist (for a reason).

Once done, you can thank them for their “services”, i.e. the help they’ve given you guiding your life in a certain direction.

This “ritual” might not have resolved the issue fully, but to a great extent you should notice a burden lifted.

Do this for a week and you’ll feel fresh.
Do this for a month and you’ll feel reborn.

The beauty of this is also, as you “tidy up” the inner worlds, you create so much new space that you can use for new endeavours.

And it really doesn’t matter how much darkness you endured in the past, the possibility for change is always there.

“There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

  • Leonard Cohen
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If vibration of divine love or reality bubble ocean room is available I would get one of those, or you could try disconnect from negative energy in your life from patreon just to get a litttle distance from the emotions so you can process them more consciously

There’s also detachment for spiritual growth which is excellent

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