I was thinking it so many interesting people here. I thought I’d make a thread about everyone’s career. I personally don’t have any at the moment. I have aspirations to do things in the field of music. Also maybe when I get wiser doing something in the esoteric field.
well man, money and being happy and this and that, I would always advise to get BPIL tag and Abudance Tag, and Intercession tag and everything else tag
but nah, for career and being happy, get the BPIL tag and Abudance tag with intecession, they are good to go and youll end up where you should be and all is good, BPIL will help you a lot on deciding what you want to do in life, tho this doesnt mean that you think it is right, it could turn out bad but in the long run it is good, so getting BPIL is just like autopilot, if you dont want to be autopilot, get glory alongside abudance tag and intercession, these will help to build you a buisness or whatever you want to achieve and live a life that is nice
dunno why I wrote this, reread your post and you just wanted to have people post what they are doing, my bad man but yeah, maybe someone will read my post and think its helpful
I have a normal work contract at the moment and that is my main income.
My “side gig” is finding money on the street and winning small here and there.
you sound homeless
it’s my side gig, not the main gig lol
just look around, there is a lot of money to be found, literally :D:D
it’s 20-100 USD a month for me
Just joking, tho I prolly would be homeless in swiss with these prices they have for everything, crazy
Regardless of that I really really appreciate your post. I needed this advice personally and like you said other people might. I have intercession and bpil so looks like soon I’ll be getting abundance. I’m excited for but at the same time scared cause now I’ll have to wear 8 tags.
Also you can still post what you do if you want. It’ll just keep the convo goin.
I work for a “group of people” that locates lost travelers in foreign lands, and we keep them safe until their family is able to realize just how lost they were and then return them…for a smallish fee… naturally.
That’s interesting do you enjoy? Both gigs? Lol I low key have a similar side gig.
Import/export, won’t talk too much about it
Now that’s really interesting. How did you come to find that kind of work. I’m sure it’s very emotionally gratifying.
i feel like it was a joke but your comment is so precious that i really want to believe it’s the wholesome version.
I’m a physical therapist :)
That sounds so interesting. But I won’t ask lol.
Lol it wasn’t a joke I really meant it. And thank you.
I like my side gig
Job-wise it’s more complicated - I was going to resign a bit more then a year ago but then covid happened, I found SM and most of the annoying things are disappearing from around me…
so can’t complain much, but I preferred a very high pressure sort of environment I had before. It’s pretty laid back now and I have time to hang out here, go on hikes, spend time with friends etc. which was not the case for a good while after I moved here.
So even though it is more balanced, I am a bit bored, and my competitive side is screaming for some action… I realize it’s mainly my ego that wants me to prove myself again and again working 14 hour days instead of doing something more worthwhile…
So for now I’ll stay put and see.
I could quote Philip, “Ain’t nobody happy” :D
You’re job is so underrated. My mom talks to me a lot about becoming one but I have other ambitions. Do you enjoy it??
Wow nice, it’s one of my plans to get certified in that area and change jobs
Yes I enjoy it a lot. I always knew I wanted to something with medicine and people. And physical therapy seems like a good mix for me. Theres always pros and cons ,but I like what I do and feel like i can help people .
Nah, just trading exotic spices from South-east Asia, middle East, Latin America into Europe.
It’s pretty low key, before that I had a foodstand on the corner. Selling kebabs.
You know what they say about the restaurant business… « people will always want to eat ».