How do you set Boundaries?

How do you set your own boundaries through energy work? How does that reflect in the physical aspects of your life? Especially for empaths

By using both shields and committing to a permanently higher vibrational state.

Higher self confidence and self esteem, respected by everyone, people treating you kindly, etc etc. Benefits are vast.

I would strongly recommend to not use such labels. That will make it easier on yourself

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Can you explain why? Is it not good to recognize it and see what can be made aware of to discern?

In my experience it’s good if you can extract the positive aspects (from anything in general tbh).

It’s just that many times we like to categorize things and then don’t see beyond what it is, because we believe “that’s how it is”. But it never is the only way.


There is always a kind of trap in any definition/label.

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