How do you want to be remembered?

I’ve been thinking about this question these past few days and I’m curious about other’s responses. I’m still thinking through it for myself.

If you could write your eulogy for your own funeral, what you write? how do you want to be remembered by your family, friends, co-workers, or the world? or do you? Does it even matter?

Would love to hear @SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo @Maoshan_Wanderer 's thoughts :relaxed:


I got to think about this one but I just wanted to say… I’ve been loving all these deep questions you guys have been coming up with.! They’ve been so damned good haha! Like the if your life was a tv show question. I thought about it but I’m too weird. I’d have to write a show to really relate lol.

Luckily I thought about this while stuck in traffic the other day. I don’t think I care about getting remembered anymore. When I die, I won’t be sammy anymore. So whatever I become, I won’t be so focused on whatever mark I made. And in 10,000 years, everyone, even with all the videos made, will more than likely be forgotten. Our minds would probably reach the extent where I evolve into the all and realize that I made a mark as each and every single person here.

But that’s the boring, existential, tryna think bigger answer. In truth, as myself in this world, I would want to be remembered as someone who opened up other peoples minds in some way. And I already have to most people in my personal life so far since I was young. And that’s not me tryna show off. I just always been weird so I was always thinking outside the box and introducing people to things that were not common. So that’s all really.

And yeah, I would truly like to at least have a tiny impact on helping humanity shift their consciousness up a bit. I don’t know how but a fella can dream eh.


Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts, @SammyG ! :purple_heart:

That is true. So, once you leave the body, ‘you’ are no longer attached to this world or anybody in your life. You have learned what you needed to learn… is that right? You wouldn’t really care about being remembered. I guess that would be the EGO asking to be remembered…?

Not really. I suppose that is the bigger answer

Beautiful way to be remembered

You have done more than dream, my friend! You have most certainly made a positive impact on my life and I’m sure many would say the same.


I would want to be remembered as being genuine. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly at times, but never with anything to hide…Living life with my cards face up and people receiving them any which way they choose.


I love this! Wonderfully put


I want to be remembered as somone who acted in a stoic matter. Didnt care what happend was content and only cared about being right to his soul.

any fields recommendation to help with that would be appreciated


Hmm I’ll share what I think as far as I know and understand it from my experiences and logical presumptions… I think for example, some people that were tortured or had a horrible thing happened to them before they die, a strong imprint of their egos pattern remains hence why some haunted houses have the same ghosts roaming around for ages.

I do think some peoples souls might remain around a while longer though. Usually if they are extremely attached to their ego… their soul doesn’t quite let go of the conception of them being who they were. That might have them roam around a bit. But I think for the most part, most of us just get sucked into the void and get our consciousness redistributed to another body. And I genuinely think it’s a different experience for every single one of us. Just as tripping is a different experience for every single one of us. It’s not gonna be the same for everyone. But I do think being able to let go of the ego in death might allow for that feeling of not caring to be remembered and whatnot. And no matter what happens, I do think we’ll learn what needed to be learned. As I’ve said before… we are god experiencing itself. Every experience, no matter how mundane, or how inbalanced and crazy or destructive, is a learning experience. Because every single one of us is totally unique in our own way and have our own story that adds to the totality of the universe’s overall understanding of being human.

I honestly don’t know for sure though. You only know when… you die so nobody alive is a reliable speaker on the subject haha.

And thank you :slight_smile: Ahh, if that’s true in any case, I can die happy now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Knight/Warrior mindset is dope.


Been using that. I think its changing me. I will have to give it a little longer.

Amazing audio
thank u


A dream of purity & wisdom of the dying are gems as well.


This is lovely.

Perhaps use any field that promotes peace and contentment. Maybe the new Universal OM NFT will jumpstart that for you…


I don’t know if I want to be remembered. I’d love to hit a reset button, change my name and disappear. That kind of happens when we die, doesn’t it?

Based on my life so far… I’d like people present at my funeral to say that I wasn’t cruel. That whatever sort of a damned fool I was alive, I was never cruel to others. That would be wonderful.


Not for me


Ain’t gonna be thinking of that once I’m done with this life

Just straight move on


Ha ha, that’s some straight to the point Higher Self type of humor :joy:


I really do not care how humans will remember be.

Death is an illusion.

The physical universe and all its civilzations is a temporary adventure.

All my life experiences are being uploaded real time into my Higher Self.

Also, my whole life journey and all what I have ever done, ever thought and ever felt is being recorded in the akashic records for everyone interested to download.

So since all is saved and stored anyways, there is no need to invest energy in “how” a few human generations after me will or will not remember me.

And all the others soul who made the journey with me and who are important to me, will have access to all of this as well anyways…

One or two Out of Body experiences, and most people won’t care how others will remember them either.

And the people/souls you care about, your beloved ones, they have access and will continue to have access to your presence in the afterlife – so there is no need “to remember” someone or “be remembered as XYZ”.
When there is always access available, the function of “being remembered as” becomes redundant.

It also still matters what we are doing here in the now in the physical universe. The source experiences itself and grows through us. And what we do and become is important for the direction of the whole.

(a random location from the astral planes – picture from Jurgen Ziewe)


I just want to “graduate”.

I don’t even want to remember my family.
Like previous lives, i don’t know who was my family, friends, even lover.

So, not comeback again to this world is what i need.


I don’t want to sound negative, but they don’t even care about me now, why would they care more after I’m gone from this world? Since only a few people remember me while I’m here, and even these few people don’t truly understand me or love me unconditionally, the one exception being my mom, then why would I care for their image of me? All people ever have is an image of yourself, especially the majority of people who know you; they may have a good or a bad image, but why would I care about something like that after I’m gone? I’m not that interested in their opinion(s) now, so yeah, I don’t care how little or if they would remember me, so no eulogy from me.

Perhaps the only words would be: “Don’t worry, yo’re next!” :joy:

My simple message to those who love me would be that I love them, that’s it, I love them and they should love themselves and continue to live their life and to enjoy life as much as possible, because it is a beautiful thing.

EDIT: given all the information that I’ve read and all my experiences, I believe or rather know that there is an afterlife and that life doesn’t end, so when I’m using the word “life”, I’m referring to life as an incarnated soul, life in this world.


That was pretty badass

Liked it

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I agree with you, your words are so beautiful.
You also inspire me to be more grateful in life, even we might forget everything after we’re gone.

Thank you. :blush:

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