So, ok. How does love feel?
Absolutely stunning. Mind-blowing, sense of utter security. Understanding like Buddha himself is listening to you. A feeling like home that mimics your feeling towards your hometown but amplified a million times. The necessity to be completely yourself due to the complete absence of any criticism, judgment, etc. A polar opposite to the negative aspects of life. Almost a ridiculous sense of knowing that there’s peace everywhere and always is. Joy as if you were just born and smiling, laughing about this fact. Fulfillment to an extent that you have known life inside out. Beauty, stunning like gods / goddesses.
That’s unconditional love, and it’s much easier to feel than to put into words.
But the funny thing is, you can eventually feel this for everything and everyone.
The tl;Dr is… You vibe extremely well with another person. It doesn’t need to be 100%, you can have a good 70%+ and get along very well. Your emotions are indicators of your feelings, but only with experience will you notice the subtle differences. You know, because you can feel love differently, for friends, colleagues, family, pets, it’s all beautiful and all necessary. All you need is love is actually a very wise saying because it’s so pervasive and felt in so many ways, defined in such a vast way.
For you, just take it all in. Go for it, absorb it. Let your heart grow. You’re human, you’re beautiful