@FROMNOW Long story short, I quit all my friends in Romania, because everybody was so emotionally disconnected and far away when we were talking (people weren’t bonding at all). I was alone. My life was becoming more and more shrank regarding going out with friends and having relationships to the point were I was going out of my rent only to the supermarket and for alone walks in the park.
I wrote down on a paper my goal to find a woman with specific characteristics. After I wrote it down I started paying attention to what I was receiving on the internet. I found the woman in 1 hour (this is another story). I immediately wrote to her on chat, started to have video calls and after 1-2 months I moved to Greece with her.
Then I also removed all my fb friends (2.000 friends).
When I met her, I only knew how to just be present with my emotions and let them go, let them dissolve (if you stay purely present and feel your emotions, they dissolve).
But she helped me open up to a new and deeper dimension about myself. She made me aware of the fact that emotions have big communications behind them and that those communications come from my subconscious suppressed aspects/personalities of myself. So it’s not enough to just be present with the emotions and let them dissolve. You actually have to be with them and understand what they’re communicating to you from your subconscious and about what’s wrong in your current reality. If you don’t pay attention to your emotions, you have no way of knowing if something is wrong in your life. You’re lost, you have no compass because that’s your soul communicating to you through your emotional body.
And she also made me aware of so many very-subtle abuses that I received from my parents. I never had the means to actually pin-point all emotional, mental and energetic abuses that I received from my parents until then. I thought that my parents were “OK”.
Nobody thinks to start playing the detective about what their parents actually did to them (not even verbally, those are very invisible and hard-to-detect abuses, but they are the worst because it’s so hard to discover them and they dwell in your subconscious controlling your life).
And it’s the most painful thing in the world to start finding out that you received so many abuses and so much negligence from your only parents, the only 2 people who were like your Gods when you were little, to whom you gave all your trust and they gave birth to you… That’s why people don’t actually awaken, because it’s so painful and horrifying, it’s like dying. That’s why most of the people only do mental and spiritual surface-superficial stuff.
And because I never in my life stopped at an incomplete truth, I always wanted more and more truth even though it fking hurt. The reality is horrible and most of the people will never want to face the reality of their parents and their childhood and the reality of humanity in general.
So, with my girlfriend, almost every day, we talked and talked and discovered and unveiled myths, bad programs and wounds from my subconscious and from her’s (she was working on this since before she met me, she’s very serious and dedicated about resolving and integrating her subconscious disowned parts).
Basically we channel subconscious parts for each other. We are both channelers (we can channel angels, spirits, higher self, etc. including suppressed subconscious parts of each other). But she is a more experienced channeler and she helps me more with my subconscious parts than I help her.
So, for example, she is channelling the part of me that is afraid of money, for example. And she starts being that suppressed part of me and now I get the chance to talk with that part of me, ask it questions and dig deeper.
And I always end up discovering some abuse that I got from my parents. And there are so many. We humans are so not-aware of so many subtle and not-so-subtle things that I cannot even begin to tell (the more I discover things of which I am unaware, to more I feel like I’m not aware of so many other stuff).
And then I try to reconcile that subconscious part of me, own it back, empathize with it, find a solution to meet its needs, update it to the reality where I live now (because the subconscious parts don’t live with you in the present, their environment is still somewhere in the childhood).
It’s exactly like taking real care of a very hurt and abandoned child. It’s very hard, and many times I don’t have the compassion and the space to deal with my parts. I just want to get over with it, but it doesn’t work like that.
Anyway, after I finish talking and reconciliating with that part of me, usually I feel much better and I get new and better results in my current reality. My subconscious changes, my subconscious becomes more and more CONSCIOUS and integrated into my current reality/life. But, of course, I am far from over. This is a life-long healing journey.
That’s it for short.
PS. In this period of healing with my girlfriend, I also came up with the idea to create those frequencies from www.aetherfrequencies.com (and it helps me earn a nice passive income while I help people immensely with these frequencies, so I have 100% free time to work on my own healing which is the hardest and many times I don’t feel like doing it).