How I Became Energy Sensitive

Hello everyone, I thought I’d start a thread sharing how I went from being completely unaware of subtle energies to being fully energy sensitive. All in all this process took somewhere between 12-18 months of my life.

My goal wasn’t to be energy sensitive, it was to overcome long-term illness. However, energy sensitivity just kind of happened unexpectedly and only in hindsight did I understand why.

My journey started with diet & detoxing. I had a phase in my life where I really cleaned up my diet & detoxed often. Once I got a lot of the gunk out of my system, I started to notice the beginnings of energy sensitivity.

Anyone living in a Western Nation has to struggle with toxicity embedded in their food, especially those in the USA. I thought of this like washing away the corrosion from battery terminals - getting everything cleaned up inside just helped things to work better, and allowed energy conductivity that was inhibited before.

But, that only did a little bit, like I couldn’t feel crystals, but I could start to understand being empathic, as very strong emotions around me I could feel, when before I was oblivious.

My sensitivity increased more when I did a daily water regimen, where I drank at least a gallon of distilled water a day (pure distilled water is like a dirt magnet - it’s VERY detoxing, and also one of the few ways to detox the brain).

Reverse Osmosis water isn’t good enough, it must be steam distilled (I bought a water distiller for this purpose). I did the water thing every day for 6 months, and my sensitivity just kept getting better and better, and it REALLY helped to open up my higher chakras.

I would not recommend switching to distilled water permanently, but used to flush out the nooks and crannies of the body, it works very well. Drink ~8 ounces on the hour, every hour and you’ll get through a gallon a day easily. Do it every day for 4-6 months. Careful googling this, there’s lots of mis-info about water. Also, if you’re concerned about losing minerals, buy an angstrom trace minerals supplement (hard to find, but they do exist), or eat more raw, fresh fruits & veggies to compensate.

Lastly, I took a high-quality C60 product for a few months, and that REALLY seemed to ramp up the sensitivity. C60 is a carbon molecule structured in such a way that it forms a 60-sided geometric shape, and that shape gives it very interesting properties, which you can read up on if you’re curious.

C60 is also controversial, as many think it’s a hoax, and there’s also many vendors that sell junk/fake products, which only further reinforces the idea that it doesn’t work. But, I’ve always taken the scientific approach of let’s test it and see how the experiment plays out. It really had an effect on me and I felt the change, so I’m going to stick with my experience over what other people say.

I got mine from:
and it worked quite well (actually all the products at that website work surprisingly well). Supposedly, C60 embeds itself in the cell membrane wall, permanently changing/improving the cells’ energy conductivity.

To me, this at least makes some sense why I’d start feeling subtle energy more - if I permanently upgraded the cells in my body to better conduct energy, then that means I’d probably be able to pick up small, subtle signals that didn’t get through before. I also muscle tested to see if the C60 really did help my energy sensitivity, and I got a strong confirmation that it did.

After the C60, I was very energy sensitive, could pick up on the subtle emotions of others, could perceive the energy of crystals & tensor rings, etc. After this, I got very much into using sound healing to clean/detox/heal my energy body, which led into something else, which led…you get the idea. Now I’m learning about morphic fields & psychic work - there’s always more to learn!

So, there you go everyone, that’s my story, take it for what you will. If any of you decide to give any of these things a try, I wish you the best of luck!

TL/DR: Clean up your diet, detox, drink lots of distilled water for 6 months straight, and try C60 from a reputable vendor.


Thank you for sharing. I always appreciate posts like these.
Was distilled water the only water you drank during that time? It’s nuts how ingrained the image of distilled water being bad for you is, in my mind. What was your diet like during that time?

Yes, I drank only distilled water. It’s because of all the mis-information that many believe it to be harmful, but it is a centuries-old secret to good health.

Think of it like this:

You know how water will pick up dirt from the ground, and hold it in suspension permanently until it’s filtered? Like, think of moping your floor - the water grabs the dirt like a magnet and moves it somewhere else.

This happens in your body - the distilled water is completely pure, so it has its maximum ability to hold contaminants in suspension. Once the once clean water you drank flows around in your body for a while and is now dirty, it’s moved to your kidneys where it’s filtered out and the waste products are disposed.

This is why it’s detoxing. But, distilled water is also energetically dead, so while it’s great for cleaning you out, it’s not good to energize your body. Think of water as a tool, with different iterations for different applications. Wanna detox, drink distilled. Wanna re-mineralize, distilled is the wrong tool for that job.


I also drink distilled water, and to make it more “alive” I add a small pinch of persian blue salt and then pour it through a Wytor Schauberger funnel Wytor Schauberger funnel - Wytor Schauberger-Trichter .

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Oh, I missed this part. I bought the highest quality, most expensive organic foods I could in an attempt to put as little new toxins into my body while I was detoxing. I also tried many different diets, anything I could find that seemed to have merit, I tried it.

I tried juicing, got good results from that. So, then I tried vegetarian, didn’t do well. I thought maybe the last few animal products were still causing me trouble, so then I tried vegan, did even worse. Tried vegan with all the supplement recommendations, was slightly less worse, but still very bad.

I switched to a more paleo diet, did better than vegan but still had issues. Best was a low carb, very high (healthy) fats, medium protein diet. I ate a lot of avocado chicken salad dinners & veggie, egg, & hamburger breakfasts. Just like with the water, there’s lots of bad info regarding nutrition, so it’s tough to find good advice, even tougher to find personalized good advice. So, I experimented.

But, diet is going to be the most personalized of anything, because everyone’s body has different nutritional needs based on the various health issues you have and the environment you’re in.

Generally, if you spend all day outside in the sun, a vegetarian or vegan diet could work great for you. But, if you spend all day inside, being nuked by WiFi, staring at a computer monitor, you better avoid carbs like the plague. The work of Dr. Jack Kruse does a good job of explaining why this is. Look up his “Vermont” presentations on YouTube - they’re enlightening!


Lol i remember being miss informed as a kid in school that drinking distilled water can lead to death. You mean drinking pure water (distilled) does that? Gosh. That’s the only type of water i drink since some years now. Except when I’m out and have none on me. Wait why can’t i buy a bottle from the cooler at the gas station? :rofl:

By the way which distiller do you use?

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It was just one I found on Amazon, nothing too fancy.


Having something like this you could put a few mandalas on the water distiller reservoir. I’ve used SES mandalas before and they are strong.


You can also get Shungite and put intentions into it and it produces C60.


You could, but that doesn’t address the absorption concerns. C60 is fat-soluble, so even if you’re able to make C60 from shungite in water, you won’t be able to absorb it into your body.


I am getting shungite stone in 2 days,for programming water by using intention repeater.I read somewhere shungite is exactly that pure carbon 60,so do u agree putting it in my regular water bottle will purify the water?Also what does it do,does it like attract bad stuff to stick to it or water.Chlorine from.water and other stuff cant just disappear

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Why not?
Alchemists have been able to turn lead into gold.
Transmute the bad stuff, or make it inactive.
I believe when you drink the water, it will have c60 in it, which is good for anti-aging.
You can get a kitchen-sink reverse-osmosis water filter with alkalyzer for around $600 installed, which would probably be easiest to take chlorine and most of fluoride out.

Lol I love it how u casually mention spending 600 bucks.For now I will stick to shungite,honestly if it helps me break the wall when it comes to programming water(feeling high from weed water etc),I will be more than happy.But knowing shungite will also purify it is a nice bonus I wont lie.

Shungite is awesome.
I am working with a guy who is going to be using the Repeater to work with his replicators, and will be using shungite in them, cause it’s excellent for manifestation.

work his replicators?

Talk to Mike Emery if you’re curious. It’s his project.

Basically this in an email from him:




His all in caps message might make sense to u,but based on my knowledge I have no clue except he plan to manifest pegasus horse even though I dont remember ever one being mentioned as alive.Guess I will have to make facebook

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Replicators work with infinite intelligence as far as I’m aware to manifest anything you can imagine out of the quantum field.

so how is it different from ur repater using ur servitor?