How long does a single play of a field last in your energy field?

As I’ve discussed before, my energy body tends to be very sensitive to fields - to the point where I get nervous system overload very easy.

However, another thing that I’m noticing about my unique energetic make-up, is that fields last a LONG bloody time.

Example - I played Manly Man once earlier this week and felt the positive effects of that one playthrough for around 30 hours.

I’ve had a similar experience with other fields too. Generally it seems that a single playthrough will effect me for somewhere around 18-24 hours give or take.

Wondering how normal this is.

So, question to the forum, how long does a single playthrough tend to last in your energy field?


A whole week before it fades.



That’s a long time. Is that indicative of being energy sensitive?

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I’m very energy sensitive yes. And I could see the nfts that I own and once it sold. It fades slowly.

I own voice of charisma tag that I wore for 2 years. Sold it. That one lasts for a full month until it really completely gone from my energetic system.

Kinda regret selling that tbh but oh well.


hey can you message me please :sunny: