With ear buds, how loud does the audio have to be. Some fields have music that I don’t like much but I like the field itself.
Just loud enough to hear. Even if you can barely hear it.
As long as the waves of sound can hit your aura it should be good. So it could be extremely low
Yeah. It would still work if you don’t hear it. as long as it is playing, the vibrations of sound will affect your aura.
That would enable me to use fields while I sleep. Where did you learn this? Can you link to a quote?
Do the audio morphic fields work on a deaf person?
Read this thread. If you scroll down, you will see Sam basically confirms that you can listen to the audios as long as the sound is playing. The reason for this is that if the sound is playing at an inaudible volume, the energy of the field is still reaching your aura if you are still close enough to the device emitting the field.
My sleep time is about to become a lot more productive. Thank you @lol
Don’t thank me, thank everyone who posted on that thread including Sam who all came to the same conclusion. Have a productive sleep session! Also don’t forget that having the field at an inaudible level means that you have to be closer to your device. By decreasing volume, you are decreasing the radius of the fields effect so make sure to have your phone right beside you.