How Many Field Images Have you printed

Very random but how many field images have you all printed over the years?

I have gone to so many local print shops I can’t count lol :joy: :joy: :joy:

  • 0-10
  • 10-20
  • 20-30
  • 30-70
  • 70-140
  • 140- 250
  • 250-500
  • 500-1000
  • 1000 +

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@Powren how far past 1000

I marked two completely opposite options as a joke. Bcs u allowed in this poll 2 options, which doesn’t make logical sense. :D

I don’t have 1000+ mandalas


Over the years lol

But I’m quite curious if ppl use 2 or more mandalas of the same field on some occasions or uses.

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Idk. I have printed out a lot :blush: :blush: :blush:

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I don’t just I use adobe express to print out mandala collages and I change them often

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The amount of printed out field images directly correlates with one’s field placement and distribution strategy.


Much more interesting would be, how many fielded items have people created and spread across the planet with various item makers?

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But I think most ppl will just print one mandala of each NFT + a few stuff from IG and then just keep them in the pocket. Unless some get lost.

Plus a few ppl make some pillows and stuff.

Just I’m quite curious how it works exactly since each mandala is sort of its own “entity” in a way, has its own localized growth, unless there is like 100% quantum-like synchronization, entanglement, but that ig could only Captain answer.


I print and laminate each of my NFT’s mandalas at least 10x each.

Big size for actively working with them. Small sizes for putting them in various pockets, under mouse pad, under matress, in secret locations, store as backup copies etc.

I think over the years this has created ~300 € in printing and laminating costs. Always using the best paper and max quality printing at the print store lol.

In my opinion this makes no sense.
If you are already printing, then you could very well print several copies.
For the reasons as mentioned, putting them in many different locations and as back up copies if one gets lost.

Also some of the fields grow over time on the paper after being physically printed. So it makes sense to create many of those and let them simply grow while they are stored away.


Hm, that’s nice.

I personally have a few spares of some, but not all. Over the course of 2+ years, I never lost any mandala and with my strategy, I am very very unlikely to lose any mandala. Nor a tag except one, to which I was guided so. Had Lepidus item overly boosted and then it was way too hard for me, lol, so had to get rid of it subconsciously.

Me too, lol.

My pockets usually well suffice. Plus I am able to connect to mandalas using servitors.

Yeah, but far less when dormant.