How’s my playlist?

So my whole goal with this is to undergo an extreme transformation, I don’t want to be limited by anything that has held me back in the past, I want to evolve past anything deep rooted in the subconscious (this is the point of my foundational stack)

Then once the foundation is set, I move on to my structural stack (this is based on building myself/identity)


  • KQC
  • SLD 3.0
  • Aura Repair
  • Point of No Return
  • Blueprint of Life
  • Emotional Release
  • Vibrational Riser
  • Conceptual Realizations
  • New Perspectives


  • KQC
  • Become Whole
  • Self Respect
  • The Majesty
  • Super Serum
  • Advantageous Brain Plan
  • Elysian Focus
  • Koritsudo
  • Billionaire Catalyst
  • Acu-Automation
  • Grounding

Any advice?


Looks very good to me, good luck with your results!


My advice would be to play each field for 10 minutes, Maoshan’s ways of listening.
It worked very well on my end :sparkles::pray::call_me_hand:

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Thanks! Means a lot coming from an OG


Hmm, can you tell me more.
Since I’m still fairly new to all of this, I’ve gone with the not so grounded, loop all the time technique but that seems to be a bit much.

Do you think that since I’m playing KQC one - two listens is enough to see adequate results?


It depends on each person. Imo.

Maoshan is a forum member who said somewhere he would play each field of his playlist for ten minutes, so for yours for example it’d be:

  • QKC: 10’'04 x1.
  • SLD: 03’‘12’ x3/4.
  • Auric and Energy Body Body Repair: 08’‘18’ x1.
  • Point of No Return: 10’‘15’ x1


Fields that are 2’‘50’ for example, can be looped 4 times, so on and so forth.
For the field that last more than 10 minutes, he’ll just have them once.
Also saying it was his way but it wasn’t something that must be done like that, it is not mandatory.

I don’t remember in what thread it was.

I personally am usually more of a looper (I am a total looper tbh :woman_shrugging: :raised_hand::sweat_smile:)

Yet recently I have been willing to harmonize and optimize my listening time, so I arranged my playlist with approx. 10 minutes per field and it’s been working pretty well I must say.
:heart::nazar_amulet:🪽 :sparkles:

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