How Sapien Medicine Healed/is Healing My Family & Friends (Stacks)

Haha super!

I’m going to try the cigarette thing first, which is something more evident.

Let’s see how it goes :smoking:


pls report once you do see it works! and good luck :D


So my aunty weight was 30 kg 3.5 weeks ago!! :grimacing: and she is 173 cms, so pure bones literally.

And dr said she wasnt absorbing anything.

Alright Dr Sapien Med to the rescue…

Her playlist:

Stomach regeneration x 3
Colon cleanse x 2
Enhanced Blood Circulation x 4
Vitamin D x 2
Ehanced Nutrients absorption x 3
Bone & Organ Breathing x 3
Weight gainer x 3

3 times a day.

3.5 weeks after her weight is 38kg!!


Edit on 10/09

She weights now 41kg!


So happy for both of you! :slight_smile: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Thank you :heart:


My Aunty had a Proctoscopy today to determine if she was ready for them to remove the Colostomy Bag, close up the wound etc. That could only happen if she was fully healed and ready to live a normal life again. (Which normally in people like her and her age chances of that happening are slim, usually they have to keep it for the rest of their lives)

The exame came back perfect. Dr said her colon was perfect, clean and regenerated like if it had never had anything.

The sides of my face hurt of the big smile i have now :grin:

1 year since this whole thing started. Consistent daily work with fields, switching up here and there adjusting to the new needs.

It paid off!

Infinite gratitude to you Dreamweaver :heart:


On another note,

I did start the thingy i said i would


I just checked the exact date. Sep 19th, cause i made a whatsapp group to share experiences and see if someone would feel overwhelmed etc

There are 2 playlists one for 4.5 hours to sleep with and then one for 9+ hours to play in the day.

Those lists have a lot of good stuff and based on more or less the things i know my family elders need, but i also add to the collage me and my sisters :smiley:, ill come bk later to share them.

Honestly unexpectedly its been working steadily and at a good pace, i said unexpectedly because as i mentioned before when i tried that making a collage with just 3 people it didnt show much results so i ended up splitting them. But i still wanted to try. And the collage now has 10 people in it, and its working.

Im not sure if adding QL and some of the Flow audios is what is making it happen, because my relatives and myself are def seeing results.

Ill edit later to give more info


admire your Results, Luna!


Ok bk with what im playing for Me and my Family all at the same time.


The well known i repeat all the time lol. In one device i play the playlists, while at the same time i play be the healer in the other device. One in front of the other like :arrow_right: :arrow_left: laying on a table, in one of them a collage i made with the pics of each one of us (10 in total: Mom, Sisters, 2 Uncles, 2 Aunties and Myself) is constantly open (on the device the playlist is playing) the other cell is just playing the be the healer on loop.

I start playing both, activate the crystallization energy (from the Energy Course) just to enhance the connection literally like hovering my left hand over the cell that has the be the healer playing all the way to the collage while saying “sending all these energies through the be the healer portal all the way to my family and myself to regenerate everything, reverse damages, reverse aging, heal everything in an out in the must harmonious way” and i visualize those energies going through and reaching us.

And then i have 2 Servitors or sometimes one of the Deities Mandala close by and ask them to amplify the transmission, reception, delivery, acceptance and integration, deep, fast without overwhelming Us.

So here are the 2 Playlists:

The one i put around 11p before going to bed:

Enhanced Cholesterol Reduction
Alchemical Jing Charged Blood
Heart Work
Cholesterol and Plaque Removal
Heart Inflammation
Enhanced Blood Circulation
Negative Ion Charged Plasma
Brain Regeneration
Nerve Inflammation Help
The Crucible of Stored Trauma
Brain Antioxidant Complex
Brain Plaque and Blockages Removal
The Brain Refresher

Each one x 3 a few of them x 4

(Its around 4:40 hours)

Then around 10a I play the 2nd list :

Ego Dissolution x 1
SLR x 1
Blue Print of Life
Quantum Love #1 x 1
Plasma Flaunt
Plasma Charged Mitochondria
Auto Immune Reversal
The DNA Repair System
Anti Cancer
Senescent Cell Removal
Advance Healing
Quantum Love #1 x 1
Bone and Organ Breathing
Enhanced Blood Circulation
Lympathic Blockage Removal
Liver Fat Reducer
Liver Ver 2.0
Pancreas x 1 only
Diabetes Tye I and II Treatment
Jing Saturation x 2
Jing Infusion x 2
Endocrine System
Kidney and Adrenal Healing
Kidney and Bladder Specialist
Vitamin C x 1 only
Vitamin D x 1 only
Bone Shaker
Chi Saturation x 2
Chi Infusion x 2
Intestine Healing/Regeneration
Ulcerative Colitis
Myofascial Release and Anointing
Fa Jin Gong Infusion x 2
Quantum Love #1 x 1
Acu Automaton

Each one x 3, some 4 and the rest as mentioned 1 or 2.

Total hours 9:45 :sweat_smile:

But all good so far.
Everybody knows they need to eat plenty more and take supplements, much more water, rest more.

Sharp pains have come here and there, some diarrhea (not too strong), some headaches, some coug, some muscles pain.

At times have felt strong but then after 2 days or max 3 it subside completely. So i think thats great. Feeling all of that is a sign of healing, reaching deeper and pushing to the surface then releasing.

But also much better sleep, clear mind, better digestion, posture, circulation, clear urine, clearer skin etc.

Ill continue doing this.

After 3 months or so, ill switch up the playlists a bit reducing some and adding Robust Organs For Sure, the Womanly Woman and Manly Man (obviously here ill separate the men from the women :sweat_smile:) more for skin, teeth, eyes. etc.

Ill keep reporting maybe once a month.


Oh yeah i forgot i have to add the lung ones from tomorrow i didnt put them i dont know how i could forget those and everybody used to smoke for years :sweat_smile:


manly man close to you could be a no go? or i understand not correct?

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I said it here

Ill split the groups :)

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One of my sisters went to donate blood and oh she was surprised, (i wasnt since i cringe about her diet etc all the time :roll_eyes:)

Her blood pressure was high and hemoglobin low so she couldnt donate.

She is 40 eats awful, exercise daily, and drinks a thick fruit and vegetables big bottle daily. I guess those 2 have helped her but i knew sooner or later her body would start complaining.

On March 21st she started:

Blood Pressure one x 3 times a day
(I told her to watch out in case she felt a bit weak or so because those 2 audios -the 2 versions- are strong and also with low hemoglobin she could feel like fainting) but she was fine. She only played the old one tho.


Monoatomic Iron x 2 x 14 days
Negative Ion Charged Plasma Blood x 2 x 14 days
The Quintessence of Marrow x 2 x 7 days (you cant play this every day after the 7 days and only because it was an emergency, but normally it should be just a few loops every some couple of weeks to maintain)

April 15th : Dr’s check up/blood tests?

Everything was perfect :muscle::partying_face:

We really are soo lucky. Thank you Dream again.


Also my Aunty, the one that defeated Colon Cancer, finally got the Colostomy off, the Dr said she had gained enough weight and gained the muscles she had lost and her colon was like brand new, digestion is great except some gases an a bit of bloating but he said it was because of the bag.

Ready to fully live her life free again.


Lovely stacks! I have been using your heal-everything+anti-aging stacks with a few modifications! Thanks for sharing… :heart:


And finally

One of my sisters clients baby:

Age: 1.5 years old
Diagnosis in December: Chylothorax (its the accumulation of lymph (contains a large number of lymphocytes, triglycerides and chylomicrons) in the pleura as a consequence of alterations in the drainage of the thoracic duct)

He was hospitalized for 1 month, the catheter to drain the fluid pinched a vein :roll_eyes: (unfortunately its a risk they all go through), had lung sx (they cut part of his right lung :pensive:) and had a respiratory arrest)

January: Pulmonary Infection, had to keep going for fluid drainage, full congestion, endless cough, flu etc.

Healing Process started Feb 21st

Used the Lung audios (whether from Youtube or Patreon) plus one of the bacteria one on Youtube and the Lymphatic drainage one.

He had to keep going for X rays of the lungs every 2 weeks, the first month healing kept going up and down, improving but very little…

At this point i started asking the Mom more about his surroundings, home, bond with his parents etc, because one thing i know about anything related to lungs is that when they keep getting inflamed, congested with little improvement, apart from viruses of course, it is related to emotions, heavy love attachments whether from the sick person towards others or from others towards them where they feel “congested and pressured by that heavy love put on them”

Plus she had mentioned that back in Nov he had started going to daycare but that after a week he got sick again and was very upset, so i was like yep he clogs up emotions in his lungs.

And found out that indeed he was picking up the emotions derived from issues between his parents (wont mention what for privacy)

I then added to the playlist Angelic Vibration, Raise the Vibration, Unconditional Love from the Flow album and Emotional Release.

Things improved but still not as fast as normally with Sapien’s audios…

When i finally remembered The Pleurisy one!! How could i forgot that!! That was the most important one in this case because the fluid was too heavy and too much for the little dude’s lungs already inflamed pleura to push it out!

And its when things really started to improve :sob::partying_face:

I focused only on Pleurisy, lymphatic Drainage and the Emotional Release/Angelic Vibrations ones.

I have 3 Light Servitors that i always put around the device i had his pic on and asked them, the normal i have already mentioned above "please enhance the transmission/connection from the playlist through the be the healer portal all the way to “patient’s name”, help him integrate all deeper, faster and easier without overwhelming him, any excess of energy please transmute it into Unconditional Love and engore his room with it.

April 12th :

Showing this even tho is in spanish for those that could understand as for evidence to collect.

Everything, everything. Was perfect!!


Disclaimer :

I do not send audios to people (mp3 -even if free or even if Patreon is paid by them-), patreon is paid x # of months using the free audios, for each patient, even if i use the ones on youtube most of the times. Each one of them know who Sapien Medicine is and how the audios work, they just want me to do the healing process for them, because: they dont understand english, they dont know which audio does what, do not have time etc

There have been a couple of people very eager to learn more, to jump in, to navigate, and so they have done it on their own ever since introduced to SM.

Confirmed with Captain that if that was fine, the way I was doing it, and he said yes, i created the Be the Healer for you all to use as needed.

The only times ive used one or 2 paid ones have been for a Sister, Mom or my Aunty. But not any other extended family.

:v: lets help heal the world! one person at a time.

I keep collecting proofs and testimonials @Gnosticmedic27 one day bro, we will use them. I havent forgotten!


You are welcome!!


Wow, de verdad q me ha sorprendido e impactado de manera positiva tus posts. Te deseo sigas teniendo mucho éxito y gracias por compartir !


What I wonder is what do doctors think when they see this…it must not be common.

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Even asking or wondering if the initial tests (when supposedly found something) were well done cause “this or that looks perfect/brand new/ like nothing ever happened”


Amazing story! Thanks for sharing.