How Smart are Stem Cells?

hey man so how’s your knee doing?

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Thanks for asking. It’s getting better. I managed to climb a 97m hill 2 days ago.
I can’t pinpoint to any particular fields as I jump around different fields. The fields impact is gradual and that makes it harder to pinpoint a particular fields.
Nevertheless Thanks to Dream for making these wonderful fields

I also started exercising to strengthen my leg muscles to better support my knee.


i see. this is good progress. cheers to more progress :heart_eyes: :leg:

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Certainly is good progress.
My glucose level is improving also with fields and diet change

If only there’s a field that can regrow extracted teeth for an old man, that would be perfect.
Tried many teeth regeneration fields out there.
I think my age is the main obstacle.

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hmmmm, i believed that the severity of my already cracked upper left molar tooth worsened last month after accidentally biting on a tiny piece of bone in my beef patty. The pain was aggravating and I was considering going for root canal and crowning but that would have cost a bomb. I decided to rely on SM for a month to see how it’d work out. I was already listening to plasma teeth + (found on gumroad) to heal it, and I wanted another dental field from SM to complement/enhance the healing, and then got P & R dentistry NFT (from sapien shop).

Ive been listening to each for 15m after every meal for a month now and progress was good because there is less pain now. Unfortunately the healing progress was slightly hindered because I was still eating food that that tooth considered tough like beef patty, and Ive been eating softer food (probably gonna give it a month or so before transiting to harder meat) to give that tooth a better chance of recovery. Something else that I noticed has been the lack of cold sensitivity as well which is an indication that the enamel has healed.

Take the chance/risk and get both plasma teeth + and P & R dentistry NFT. treat it as an experiement. there are threads for each so comb through them. i believe that some people have had regrown their teeth with these files.


listening to this stem cell file first before the dental files that i stated might allow the teeth energies to utilise the stem cell energies and work better as a result. possibly a good combo


I have both plasma teeth and P&R dentistry for months already. They are good for existing teeth maintenance.


Would this Stem Cells be beneficial if I have Plasma Flaunt and Max Heal?

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Probably not

Max Heal’s description says it has smart stem cells too


I am also wondering the same as I am pregnant, and before it’s asked : yes, I have conducted many-a-many searches and do nothing but research these fields for many years. I am still stumped but would love to use it, as it seems it would be helpful to fetal development (for example, all “fat”/unused cells being migrated to my uterus to help with development, etc.). Still I’m unsure…

@SammyG @Dreamweaver


Please do not do that @Teighlor.

This is uncharted territory, and it tests very strong for being a terrible idea.

I usually try to stay out of these things, but I can’t think of a worse idea for you or your future child.


Wouldn’t recommend playing with fire. It should be fine but unless some issues are arising that could use some attention, I don’t think you should tamper much with your baby’s development.


Thank you for the replies. I’m glad I didn’t do this! Yikes…my intuition told me know so I feel good about that.


Can smart stem cells help the GUT?


Read carefully the description ,main focus is to convert the fat around /close to the organs and the fat around bones in to smart stem cells and those stem cells will go directly to your organs and the whole gut


The body, when damaged, will release cytokine, chemokine and growth hormones into the bloodstream to essentially call out for help

Stem cells in the bloodstream will hear the call for help and will go to the area that the hormones are indicating is damaged.

So if you want to boost the healing from the stem cells, you can use audios that increase growth hormone and cytokine levels, to boost the communication between the hormones and the stem cells


  • Most patreon and youtube brain fields (enhanced visual processing, enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity etc)
  • bone strengthener

Auto Immune Reversal (Field) Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor Production (for Anti-Allergic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects)

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I have asthma,will this field help relieve it?Thank you.

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Hi @rickster!

Here are some links to assist with navigating the forum: FAQ Collection for Newcomers

Welcome YLav KY

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it should, maybe try lung antioxidants as well