How Smart are Stem Cells?

It’s no longer for sale. (It’s been discussed in the New Release - Plasma Protocol thread.)

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Hi, can you share you protocol of using these 3 ?
I have Advanced healing, plan to get Smart stem cell, and use plasma beach already.
How would you combine it for a general regeneration ans healing purpose ?
And then would it be beneficial to use a specific field to target, let’s say the thyroid (I have nodules) ?

Had a break of around 6 months from using this field, I bought it around the same time as plasma protocol. I didn’t use it much last time, as I felt the protocol sufficed in healing my troubles at the time.

This makes the skin on my face silky smooth. I listened to it twice last night, and my face feels like dipping your hand into a glass of full fat milk Today, haha. Instant effect. It also seems to have a great impact on my hair. I have a good head of hair, but this seems to make it feel even thicker.

I think I’ll continue to use this for a while going forward. It makes me feel full of energy, and almost weightless.


After using it lol, much shorter then that :sweat_smile:

Beard is getting thicker holy shit, like the places Where I think my androgen receptors were messed up on my face might have started to heal or re-sensitize as well @Captain_Nemo, more hairs where I didn’t have hairs before started to grow more black and thick (I use this along with beard plasmafied, but I think this field is fixing the androgen receptors on my face that were de sensitized)


I also agree with the hair part!

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If you listen after the teeth field it also works better.

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Just got this today morning…


Nice! Enjoy the speeded and advanced healing of smart cells and negentropy!


Anyone still have this beauty in there stacks? How’s it been with this one for everyone lately

I just added it back to my health stack, which is what I’ve been focusing on lately. Been using very few audios and working mostly with meditating with my NFTs. It’s a beauty indeed. I feel a sense of well being every-time I use it. After a couple weeks or less of consecutive use, I feel it regenerate vitality and energy levels for sure.


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG
Can this field be used by someone with benign tumours or cancer ?


Yes. All stem cell fields made by dream are specifically programmed to not target errant/cancerous cells


Just used it yesterday, and today I woke up with 40-50% less stretch marks that were around for the past ~3 years. Much gratitude <3


It seems like audios like Smart stem cells, blood purifier + etc. are no longer listed on gumroad… can @SammyG confirm if whether this is the case done by gumroad or certain regulations of theirs or is @Captain_Nemo revamping some audio fields? thank you


Indeed, I would like to get some insight as well. This field is still on my buying list without any doubt

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There’s is some jiggering around with the Gumroad shop that’s been mentioned on other threads. It’s part of some sort of transition of how Sapien is going to sell their products. No details about those plans have been shared. Only hints have been dropped.

Just have patience.


From another thread:


Patience is natural for everything, no need to mention it. We’re going to get some updates when the time is right concerning the changes without any doubt. Hopefully, those fields just got taken down for an update or due to the so called changes concerning the distribution. Either way, I wish everyone a great day and even better weekend :wink:

I posted some updates for you.