How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

yea you can be respectful and give 0 fucks about other people’s approval and authority, i agree on that.

but i think that trying to follow an ideal is the definition of lacking that and behaving within that lack.

most people don’t respect other people that are lacking because it unconsciously communicates that you’re not good enough, because by planting an ideal version of yourself you are currently not believing to be that thing you idealize. you’re always lacking that thing.

that’s ego dystonic.

people that embody an ideal and do not feel as if they lack anything to that ideal have a more syntonic ego and feel good enough for most stuff, which is attractive.

psychopaths had been known to have a high ego syntonic relationship with themselves. they’re in syntony with their ideal image.

meanwhile high neurotic persons are very ideal-driven (and lacking) and also ego dystonic.

advicing people to become more ideal driven and lacking more it is only going to increase neuroticism and people pleasing/slave mindset.

i’d say admire and respect yourself now rather than trying to create an ideal version of yourself that’s always out of your league.

I’m not encouraging anyone to cling to an ideal. My response was probably excessively verbose and English isn’t my first language, so I probably didn’t communicate the message properly.

In very practical terms - you need to have your crap together. If you hate yourself and disrespect yourself and hate and disrespect other people you’re not getting any love - be it from romance or true friendships. Learn to put some effort into looking good (clothing, haircut, diet, etc), learn to have interesting conversations in the real world with real people, have a couple hobbies and interests that aren’t doomscrolling, and have some ethics (noboby likes a liar or a thief). That’s it. It’s not a huge ideal, it’s just the description of a person who has his life in order. It’s what every healthy adult is expected to be - and I understand that American culture at the moment is…problematic when it comes to general mental wellbeing, but it’s not an unachievable standard.

Inventing “complex” seduction techniques based on imaginary evolution theories with 1000 steps and a very poor understanding of other people is ridiculous and it doesn’t work. Being a likable and attractive person works. Becoming likable and attractive doesn’t mean becoming the most charismatic person in the room with a job at the White House who’s about to climb the K2 and looks like Michelangelo’s David. It means - put some effort into your looks and be decently pleasant to be around, that’s it.

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I agree!

That’s why I always say that self love is the most “alpha” trait there is.

Having high levels of self love and self esteem automatically fixes everything and brings everything and everyone in alignment.

There is then no more need for manipulation or being manipulation. Just confident healthy openess.

Your behavior automatically becomes respectful, friendly and dominant, without any simping and white-knighting, and others will simply mirror it back to you (or be outmanifested from your personal reality bubble very quickly).

When you have high self love, you are automatically nice and friendly, not in order to manipulate others into giving something back to you (aka being needy) but because being nice and friendly is a natural consequence and symptom of your high self esteem. It speaks for itself and it is not used to desperately force a transaction.

Being nice is like brushing teeth.
It is a basic hygiene requirement.
You just do it because this is what a healthy human being does.
One cannot expect to be rewarded for doing so.
But that is exactly why the typical nice guy is such a manipulative resentful loser – because he expects others to give him something back for “being nice”.

“Oh, I was so nice to her. Now I deserve her pussy.”
“I gave her my niceness, so now I want to force a transaction of getting pussy in return.”

This is the most manipulative loser entitlement mindset.
Neediness disguised as “being nice”.

And the same goes in the opposite direction:

“Oh, I am so high value, I am gonna ignore them all and let them beg for my attention. Because I am so hard to get I deserve that they throw their pussy at me. I am playing hard to get so that I can force a transaction of getting pussy in return.”

This is the exact same manipulate resentful loser mindset – just twisted around. False entitlement mindset disguised as a “pickup tactic to display high value”.

This is so sick on so many levels:

  • Being manipulative
  • Transactional thinking (= zero actual love)
  • Trying to enforce this transaction
  • Becoming angry and resentful when the transaction is not appreciated back
  • Justifying this behavior to oneself with some evolutionary or pick-up bullshit theories

No normal woman will fall for this.
The average woman deals with 100x more simps and approaches than the average guy and has enough experience by the age of 15 to see right through all these manipulative bullshit games.
Manipulative male losers think they are “ahead” in the game but don’t realize that the women which they approach already collected 100x more interaction experiences than them, LMAO.

Nice guys finish last, not because they are “too nice”, but because they have no self love and because they are incongruent resentful manipulators who don’t have the balls to express their true desires and instead try to deceive and force women into transactions.

Manipulators and psychos can only operate within traumatized groups of people.


i think you’re over estimating women, they are as dumb as we men in most aspects.

they’re not strange creatures that have tons of experiences and can decode all motivations in the blink of an eye.

they fall for the same bullshit we men do. thinking the opposite it’s imo idealizing the opposite sex and putting it on a high pedestal.

btw, i think psychopathy is healthy in some ways, because it makes you not care or rely on other people’s approval or presence to express yourself and do whatever you want to do. and if you don’t care, inevitable others will care more about your approval. in this sense i do believe that many heroes from movies like Die Hard are partially psychopaths.

neurosis is not. neurosis will only bring an excess suffering and failure in every aspect of your life, as it already does for most people.

most people are unconscious most of the time, we do not live in an ideal society in which people are enlightened and bodhisattvas.

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So it’s fine to be a manipulative loser and have a mindset that will ultimately only make you unhappy, just because some women would fall for it? That’s like telling women it’s fine to be gold diggers since we’re not Bodhisattvas and some men would fall for it anyway.

The only healthy way to not pathologically need others’ approval isn’t psychopathy, it’s a healthy sex esteem. You can have a broken bone and keep taking anesthetics so you won’t feel the pain because someone convinced you that you can’t heal it, but guess what. At the end of the day you either heal the bone or you’re condemned to a life of numbing yourself.


Nailed it, you don’t need millions of seductive techniques to get a woman. Be respectable to yourself and you shall find a respectable partner, too many people are finding this way too complex.

If you need to manipulate a traumatized or gullible person to feel loved, your heart is not in the right place.


Most people are dumb. Their Subconscious Minds (and Higher Selves and Spirit Guides) are not.

People’s subconscious mind’s always know your true motivations.

And even if you can short-term trick their conscious perception, deep down they will always have a feeling about what is really going on (and be resentful against your manipulations).

This works because the Subconscious Minds of everyone are telepathically connected with each other.

All of these dilemmas sort out themselves when you operate from a high level of self-esteem.

When you have a high level of self-love you get approval and attention and at the same time it is impossible to be a simp.

Zero need for any psychopathic behavior.


I’d suggest to read a decent amount of freud instead of deepak chopra or many other fast food new age marketers for that matter

Completely outdated.

Never read him.

I’d suggest you stop reading mainstream psychology.
You will not find your answers there, especially on spiritual questions.
Most of these people were traumatized themselves and everything they have written comes from operating within the borders of these trauma world views.
Back then, they didn’t have fields to make the unconscious conscious, heal deep trauma, change deep seated beliefs quickly etc.
If you would talk to these very same psychologists now on the astral planes, you would see that their views on the world have completely changed and most of them would completely rewrite their publications.
They are probably reacting to the stuff that they have written while they were on earth in the same way when we read our first written “adventure story” that we wrote when we were 7, lol.


I don’t think “how to be irresistible to the opposite sex” has anything to do with spirituality.

Giacomo casanova wasn’t an enlightened person.

Freud studied sexuality and low vibration and that is where most people find sex irresistible.

Jesus wasn’t a playboy.

This is where you are completely wrong because you don’t see the bigger picture and how everything is connected. There are more layers to sex than what materialist science and mainstream psychology can detect.

Neither was has irresitible to the oppossite sex. At best a rich guy on nofap, who was then hyped by the beta male authors of his time orbiting around him. Definitely not for his looks.

How could he have studied something like the concept of vibration (and the many esoteric layers of sexuality) if he wasn’t really spiritual himself?


How do you know?
Did you astral travel to them time when he was on earth?
Do you know what he did sexually while being out of body?

Your view on spirituality is too narrow-minded.

We had this discussion before. It seems to me you always solely rely on mainstream books for your personal world model.

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Freud is very anti-mainstream because he actually reintroduced truth in speech and discourse rather than an objective look to the world, as psychology does.

And that is why he is considered pseudoscience by his peers.

Freud was highly aware of his dreams, inner world and sexuality, i wouldn’t say he was spiritually dull. In fact i think he had a very active 3d eye chakra, same as Lacan.

That was 100 years ago.
Today it is super mainstream.

And yet, people can only truly see and understand what their subconscious framework allows them to do so in the first place. If Freud was barely able to change his subconscious framework filters, then the ideas he was able to download very all not far away from each other.

For what its worth
Thanks for sharing :)

In the end it all boils down to results … what results is a certain framework of mind yielding for you?

If you’re getting what you want, by all means, continue to engage in that thing.

Everyone has their own karmic loads and experiences that change how the world reacts to their actions.

In the end, this thread sings to the daughters of Mara … sex is just a biologic necessity - the ultimate goal of the game is awareness of the world outside of the VR headset …



The Sun Tzu quote in a thread for people wanting to get laid cracked me up :rofl:


Life without Awareness is life in a constant state of War. He is the greatest strategist in recorded history. They are approaching seduction as a battle. Fits the context perfectly.


„An enemy that knows the future, cannot lose.“

– Edge of Tomorrow

(A reference to seeing the world beyond the veil of time, i.e. gaining a new level of awareness (“the astral view”) through which one automatically becomes aware of a whole new level of game rules, making the previous rules completely inferior.)

Change the awareness (the framework) = change the rules under which you have to play.

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@heidegger Bro you need to come down from your world of books, theories and online discourse and start living in the real world with real people. Theorize all you want but in practical reality, what is true works and what’s speculation doesn’t.