How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

What audio. What chakra. What mandala.

Just put everything in it. Because sometimes. Enough is enough.


The above +
Plasma flower…


:innocent:… because nothing bigger of a turn off than arrogance

And this one to me, personally, a man that can keep the adventure, silly/goofy, fun side alive, regardless of age or wisdom is HOT and gets my full attention :heart_eyes:

You can throw in the fool audio and the emperor for a self confidence aura as well


All chakras… they support in different areas.

Extreme self confidence, become whole and the mental health album (so you dont get sucked in into games and you don’t project your own bullshit onto others).

What’s your goal? Do you want to get laid or be in a relationship?


I think you already know, lol.


Imagine we having to know this or expect this and nothing else … sad :neutral_face:


Yeah no… go do trials somewhere else lol


I didnt think that


I think OM’s recommendation is great.

But it’s like the matchmaker tag, people bought it and it was doing its thing (bringing people the wearer would “vibe” with)… but people were still unhappy because they expected something else, i.e. hot chicks. At least that’s what I read here I think from Sammy or the captain, I don’t have that tag. But I have plasma flower :relieved:

But anyway… the recommendations are good.


look like me lol, tbh i think a lot of it has to do with the quality of my insides so try to be a bit more loving to yourself and others? what you put out is what you get back, but being very handsome also helps, but everyone stares at you so theres that


Yeah. You know it. To get laid

But why is it so hard for most people? To get laid or to feel loved. Without so much of struggle, patience, agony, bullshit and humiliation?

What kind of a game is that? I know many people who destroyed or alnost destroyed their life in pursuit of love/sex. And not to mention people who screwed their lifelong reputation because of sex. Isn’t it everyone’s right by universe? Then why is it so darn tough. For many. And full of complications.

Maybe sapien can answer this.


Androstenol for MEN :grin:


I have the answers but mi nah want fi give yuh non lol

I think @SammyG would like to, he likes to bring light to deep existencial crisis


Why asking Sapien Medicine to answer.

People need to think on it themselves.

Does not seem complicated. Most of these troubles are because people don’t realize they are connected to (“are”) each other, and to source/the Divine. But I don’t know what I’m talking about.:upside_down_face:


Great. How many guys have you dated? Perhaps a few right? But would you have dated every guy who was like that? Even though you must have met hundreds of nice guys in your lifetime. No.

It’s fun to say such statements. But doesn’t help anyone.

“I want a nice funny guy who’s kind and takes care of me” this generic statement. I know most guys who are much nicer than nice and still single.

Here’s the thing. There’s something more to it. Which is why some people seem to attract love so easily while others just simply can’t.


Okay. Great.


i really like that you’re sharing how you truly feel!


Also most people who are on the road to self improvement are so to attract opposite sex. Deep down for most people it’s the only motivator. To feel wanted. To feel desired and loved.

Hence all this plethora of self improvement, bodybuilding, beautify, clothes, charm, glamour charisma and what not. Deep down the hankering is for sex or love. And there’s nothing wrong in that. But what’s wrong is not to admit it.

Like a wise man once said

“It all comes down to sex”
Okay maybe not all but a lot of it. Lol


You cant talk for me. I like what i like and what i said sums up the qualities of the men i am attracted to. :woman_shrugging:t2:

To me it all boils down to chemistry to set my eyes on a man, that chemistry is ignited by what i said no less no more, and youd think but how youd know if a stranger you are seeing from afar and never talked to is a man like how you describe? Well lets go back to the concept: Chemistry. when a man has the qualities i like his body in my eyes exudes a certain energy that i easily pick up by just looking at him, how he talks, moves, look at other people, eats etc

If he feels the same then i guess i have the qualities he likes in a woman therefore i exude that energy.

Now i answered your specific question, but if we are getting deep then the initial chemistry only gets a man so far with me, because theres more elements i look for in a man. It doesnt matter if the guy looks like Ryan Reynolds if he lacks what its importsnt to me he will never get far at the same time if the man is uglier than underneath a car but we vibe? id be drooling over him :woman_shrugging:t2:

I even mentioned not directly but i still talked about the most important one:

C O N F I D E N C E (The Emperor)

that is all. To get laid? Tap into that and be funny :rofl:
not with me still and i know not to many other women, however ANY man gets the chance to get to know a woman if he has those two elements.

And please make sure the desperation for a woman is not sweating down your whole existence because thats a straight turn off right there.


It depends on their natural Rising Sign.
For example, libra rising sign attracts love effortlessly but aries rising doesn’t seem to be that fast.