How to control my dream world

Hi guys, I’m making this because I would like some advice on how to get into deep stages of meditation and induce deep states almost like where I’m in the dream world for lack of better words, I want to be able to master lucid dreaming, or at least begin to lucid dream as a first step, also my goal is to sit down and meditate and get deep into it, while remaining conscious and being able to effectively use my imagination. Which audios or practices would help with that? My main problem when meditating is that I can’t seem to relax and I get frustrated and lose focus, same with when i try using my imagination at night, I either can’t relax, or I fall asleep before imagining. It’s like my conscious mind/body doesn’t want me to leave the outer world or go internally.

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On a quick note

for lucid dreaming:

to make relaxation easier try the stress relief, all purpose anxiety removal and mindfulness.

Shen Yang, Enhanced Visual Processing and synaesthesia should generally help with imagination.

Brainwaves, If I remember it correctly it was theta that helped me reach and HOLD a deep meditative state for about an hour, visualizing get´s easier then.


Also, it sounds like you’re ready for the Road To Lucid Dreaming - Are you ready?

Many of those skills will help you with this.


Thanks, I’ll start using these and see what happens

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Also just try relaxing your body before you meditate.
They go hand in hand anyway, but the relaxing prior helps.

Just breathe in deeply, exhale, repeat 3 times.

Also use the meditation audio from the energy course