Hello there,
I hope this doesn’t sound like an advertisement, I just wanted to share something with you.
Some of you may know my channel on YouTube on which I posts subliminals for various purposes.
I don’t want to talk too much about the nature of these subliminals here, but rather about an idea and experience I have.
You know, one of the things almost everybody wants is to be able to lucid dream.
I started a series on my channel two weeks ago, called Road To Lucid Dreaming and uploaded the first part “Motivation”. Now, since I am eager to lucid dream myself, I mapped out a detailed plan and the steps to take to achieve this goal - lucid dreams.
So I started experimenting and created a subliminal for myself which had the purpose of strenghtening my dream recall. But to be honest, I got so excited that I turned the focus of the subliminal to be mainly on lucid dreams. (Because lucid dreaming is a lot cooler than just a better dream recall, right?)
Why am I telling you all this?
I want to gather people here who are just as excited about lucid dreaming as I am and get on the journey together!
My little experiment proved me that it is possible to have lucid dreams with subliminals and a very little bit of conscious effort. Now, what I am planning to do is to break down the process of lucid dreaming into smaller steps and upload each necessary step on my channel for you guys to use and start experiment together and share our results here!
I also encourage you to use Sapien’s field with it, because I believe in the end of the day the only thing that matters is that people get their desired result and it doesn’t matter how or with whose help, as long as everyone is happy.
@Zen I am not advertising, I am asking people who are interested in lucid dreaming to post their experiences and results here so we can learn from it. That’s all. I am not selling anything. I’ll delete the link if it makes you feel better
The first step is so unspectacular that I highly doubt anyone would take the time to do it.
Here, this is the text from the video: “Often times when people research lucid dreams, they get all excited, test the techniques they stumble across on lucid dreaming sites, fail and then lose courage and stop.”
Here is how you do it: Write a list of reasons why you want to lucid dream and order them from 1 to 10, 1 being your highest priority. Cross all top priorities out and only focus on priority number 10, the least important to you. When you think about lucid dreaming, think about the least important reason.
@Zen You know, it hurts a bit when you have this enthusiasm and create this stuff and put it out for free and try to share it with people. There are websites and blogs being posted everywhere around here and I acknowledging Sapien and his team for letting people choose, because in the end the result is all that matters. So if I can use my knowledge to break down the process and help myself and other people to have lucid dreams, why can’t I share it then? It’s not like I am charging any money for anything.
I understand you don’t mean to advertise, what I was trying to communicate was for you to give both a text option and a video option. That way it doesn’t mean you wanted to drive people to your channel, I’m not a mod here either so nothing I say is the law. I don’t mean to discourage you from sharing with the forum, I myself I’m trying to improve the lucidity of my dreams.
@Zen Ok, so here is the deal: Share your experiences if you like, I will share mine too and from time to time I will let people know when I uploaded a video and provide the instructions for conscious use here.
This isn’t about subliminals or videos or promoting anything, it is about learning how to lucid dream and I want this to be a place where people share their journey.
How about that?
I didn’t remember any dreams today. Partly because I woke up in a rushed manner I guess.
I also think it is because I listened to my subliminal before going to sleep. It seems like the subconscious takes some hours to process subliminals so if one listens to lucid dreaming subliminals before going to bed, the subconscious will process them during sleep instead of helping to achieve the result.
So I will only listen during the day, 5 hours before going to sleep at most
Funny you posted today, I had a dream last night half lucid half vivid. Mainly about the death of something (maybe in my high school) along with constant fighting off people sent after me. No scary thoughts tho (I knew I was dreaming?) The dream seen to take years as I started of as a teenager and by the end I was a grown man with a kid and a family of fighters?
I recommend to download “Dream interpretation” from the google app store. Death usually has a meaning along with seeing specific people in dreams.
I got good results from Sapien’s DMT video and later, his Lucid Dreaming psychic card which I printed, last year. Before I used them, I listened to his LD video for about 5 days and it did not work for me.
Today was the same as yesterday, you really ruin your dream life when you have a messy way of waking up. So I didn’t remember anything. I also think I am becoming too obsessed with lucid dreaming, which is why I will use the Step 1 Lucid Dreaming Subliminal I uploaded (Again, no advertisement).
I already explained the reason; The idea is to take away the hype and replace it with openness and curiosity. Obsession is tension and when tensed up your system automatically believes something is hard(er) to achieve.
What I also want to find out with this experiment is if it is true that a goal like lucid dreaming must be split up into smaller steps or not. And if not, how long will it take to achhieve with a direct-way and a Step 1 subliminal. My assumption is that it is useless wanting to achieve it all in one subliminal and one must devide this goal into smaller steps like (Motivation, Memory, Meaning, Vividness etc)
I remember 2 dreams which were about things I struggled with yesterday.
This is pretty bizarre because normally it doesn’t happen to me that I remember dreaming about something I was consciously involved in the day before. Normally the content would consist of stuff triggered by minor moments from the day before.
Today was pretty similar to yesterday. I remember there were multiple long dreams but by the time I wrote them down I only remembered one. I discovered that napping is also a very effective way to trigger lucid dreaming, especially because it is easier to wake up and go to sleep again.
When I did this yesterday it was really fun because I used some hypnosis files from youtube which influenced the content of the dreams
I just noticed that to. The original video sure as hell gives interesting dreams. A lot of fun dreams. I can only wonder what this next version will do if he releases it.