How to destroy a printed mandala?

Part of the confusion might be stemming from the fact that there are two different kinds of Sapien “mandalas,” which were created slightly differently.

The OG mandalas (from Sapien’s Instagram and a few later ones) were much more forgiving (as were the images on the old dog tags, which we could also call “mandalas,” even though we never did). These mandalas could be cropped. And you’ll find quite a few discussions where forum friends discussed the cropping and resizing of these types of mandalas to please their aesthetic preferences.

Things started to change with the NFT mandalas, which are less forgiving. These mandalas can not be significantly cropped. And we must keep the aspect ratio of the original image when we resize these mandalas.

They’re all “mandalas.” But, in spite of sharing the same label, they operate differently.


Thank you everybody for your input! I accidently printed 9 of the instagram mandalas on the wrong paper Multiple times (kept trying for the card stock tray at work) and had them all folded up in my pocket and some in my wallet from my first attempt earlier. Wow I don’t know if it’s just my anxiety or overthinking but once I had them on card stock and in my pocket I felt a lot of energy! I realized I was having way too many on me and I remembered this thread. I hastily cut all the copies of mandalas to shreds, and put them all into a zip lock bag. I kept the card stock. I forgot to thank the mandalas for their brief service or to say deactivate. I said these things with intention to the shredded papers (afterwards). Do you guys think that will be ok? Is it safe to throw in the garbage? I want to be appropriate and respectful.

Yes it is ok :slight_smile:

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Wow. So after work, I folded the sheets of paper with the mandalas (11 of them, plus 9 copies), and put them in my right coat pocket, as well as the ziploc bag of the shredded mandalas. Walked to the groceries and then walked home an hour later and felt a cross between being energized, disoriented and exhausted! Also with stomach ache, which could be because all the Mandalas were next to my stomach and I kept thinking about them! It’s been 30 min since coming home and I still feel energized and disoriented with stomach upset. Some tingling and slight ear ringing too. I’m sure it’s a lingering effect of so much energy having been directly on my aura. I’m thinking now that I should dispose of more of them, because I live in a small studio apartment and I have no place far enough away from me to store them. I looked through the forum and I’m unclear as to the range of their effect. I think to be safe I will keep just 5 of them, and dispose of the rest.

Thank you PracticalN!

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The grow their radio and strenght pretty fast. I had to keep only one at some point because my house was feleing like a walking potent speaker :sweat_smile:

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Wow! haha. I just finished cutting 14 mandalas into little pieces and I don’t know if it was nervousness, or from the energy emitting from them, but I couldn’t keep my hands still! They were very jittery! haha. I’m typing this with no problem, so at least that’s over with, but still feel energy overwhelm. Now I’m wondering if keeping 5 is too much… after reading your comment, I think I will choose 2 to keep for now, and see how that goes.

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yes, 2 years ago, when i discovered Sapien fields and mandalas, i went out to print around 50 mandalas of Sapien and Maitreya (several copies of each, in various sizes), and on the way home there was so much energy (they were in my purse), that i had like a continuous punch in the stomach (solar plexus zone). I was barely able to get home, lol, even if it was 10 minutes away from the printing place.
Once home, i had to put all of them in another room, and later, to tear and toss many of them, because i didn’t needed all those additional copies.
That is when i realised how powerful mandalas, and generally, fields are.

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I dunno if this was mentioned or not…but if not, why don’t you put it in water?

Either the ink will blur and dissolve (dissolving the image, dissoving the field), or the whole paper dissolves so the ink making the image goes away too.

And then you can drink it and absorb the fields.


Joking guys. Don’t drink that water.

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Wow 50?! Yes, it’s amazing how they are as powerful as audios. I didn’t consider the effect so many at one time might have. But even just a couple for me was too much. I no longer keep any mandalas. I need to work on my energy capacity first.