Did you try Emotion Code?
Yes i still do the course, hehe. The heal primer is a very good stuff. Body primer as well. I don’t feel so much for the rest though. Nevertheless, I had a good experience yesterday. I felt i went through the heart wall without breaking the wall, to my heart. Very strange feeling, but now i feel much better. Thank you for the suggestion!
南無妙法蓮華經, yes i know this sutra. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the japanese name. I think tina turner promoted that on youtube before. I actually used Shurangama mantra mainly, but if there is a chance, i may try chanting the title of 妙法蓮華經. Not many chinese do that because you are supposed to read the sutra, not chant the sutra title. But maybe it works too.
Something blocked my heart. I think it is emotion that is trapped in that area
This is new to me. I have not heard of that before. Thank you. I will look into it.
Hehe, you know, the wind sound in the middle scared me at the first try. Thanks for the video
Tried candle method before. …i fell asleep, hehe…yes, my focus needs to brush up.
Thank you for your reply! Highly appreciated it. I learn many new terms now! Thanks! Yes unconditional love!
I sense nothing with echoes of the past. Maybe i need to listen to it more.
yeah, but i think…i don’t know where is the trauma and what is the tramua, somethow, i sensed nothing with emotion release track
Oh, I didn’t really mean that it worked on my heart per se, more like it gave me a connection with a ”past life memory” and what I’m currently working on. My intention was set on that when I listened.
We don’t know that. Just continue with the exercise and what needs to happen will happen.
Same here if I am honest. Have you thought of getting an Emotion Code practitioner?