How to do Astral Projection, and first, is it real?

William Buhlmann who owns that site, is the person who can best answer that and help you succeed in AP. You can email/contact him if you wish. He even conducts online/live workshops, seminars from time to time. He uses Hemi-Sync audios for the participants to fastrack and accelerate their OBEs/APs from what I read. I only read his first book and the tips were useful for me.

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I see and you donā€™t use the method I was trying to? You do the vibrations one right?

Yes. Itā€™s so easy for me and I donā€™t have to practice.

Astral Dynamics? Or the pdf thingy you sent?

I have not read everything on it because I read his book already. Just check it out.

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Astral Dynamics? Or the pdf thingy you sent?

I did not send any pdf, only posted the website link.

Adventures Beyond the Body (the book)

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Thanks a lot, the book is very educational, I was particularly intrigued by the early morning technique paired with affirmations/visualization, you have been of great help, I would just like to know, have you used any other technique aside from the vibrational one? How effective have they been in comparison to the technique you find the easiest?

So far, none.

Okay, whilst doing astral projection have you been to mars or the moon yet?

No, not yet.

It sounds cool though, when you are good at it, you should definitely try it out, might see some of dem aliens.

Okay, I thought I might as well share this, it is by far the most interesting experience I have had whilst trying to A.P., I woke up at about 5:00am, and just affirmed like 10 times I was going to stay conscious whilst my body fell asleep, and then, I woke up without being able to move, shortly after my body began to vibrate, I also heard some voices near my ear, then I got startled and regained the ability to move, is this normal?

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Yes that is exactly described by Robert Bruce, with what the voices may be etc.
But it is definitely along the path of actually ā€˜projectingā€™


Yo, thanks a lot captain nemo, I think itā€™s the hypnagogic state/sleep paralysis, I need to maintain full awareness and perform my out of body technique (pulling on a rope, to get out my astral body). If I manage to do this and it exists for certain, I will know the secrets to the universe.

With great knowledge (power) comes even greater responsibility.


Yes, for certain, I will use it for good.

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Did you hear some buzzing sounds too?

I canā€™t say that I have, I have been trying to induce sleep paralysis for the last two days with no success, I donā€™t know why, I tried the visualization method to distract my body, but I just end up falling asleep.

Keep practicing it will come, consistency and persistence is a must for Astral Projection

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