How to get used to listening to audios

How do I get used to listening to these audios?Everytime I want to play them I end up worrying about things like i have not drank enough water and the environment is too loud for me to listen and stuff like not being patient as I have to listen to them all in one as I have not a lot of time in one day and sometimes when I want to workout I skip listening as its gonna take like one hour to listen to my pre workout stack

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Playing them is better than thinking/worrying about playing them. A really good start may be found here: Detachment for Spiritual Growth

Play while you do your work out.

Play while you’re sleeping. LOL I just heard Morpheus saying: Do you think that’s air you’re breathing . . . in THIS place? Meaning in this case, do you really hear the audio physically while you are sleeping? The same should apply to worrying about whether your environment is too noisy. Your body, your energy system is still absorbing the field.


Worrying isn’t a bad sign. Actually it indicates that audios have impact on your body and mind, and you should slowly work on getting up to consistency and finding schedule that is good for you. This anxiety is due to your ego reconciling with the change in your reality.


Oh wow I like this reference. :+1:

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I can resonate with some of these worries. They hit me harder when I first started, but still creep in from time to time.

First thing to note: you don’t need to listen to them. They just need to be barely audibly playing in your presence. I don’t have time to link the post, but Maoshin Wanderer has a good rule of thumb; if he can still barely hear the audio when everything else in his environment is silent, then he knows it’s emitting onto his aura even when environmental noise covers it up. That said, there’s an aspect of truly listening, or at least making sure you can clearly hear the audio, that can enhance the effects as your conscious mind is then actively engaged with the field. Set an alarm one hour before your workout and just start playing your stack at that point, even if you’re doing other things and have to play it at the lowest possible volume.

Regarding water: Always good to stay well-hydrated, fields or no fields. The battle to maintain proper hydration is one we should all be fighting all the time. But, don’t let your ego trick you into not listening to a field just because you think you might not be properly hydrated at the time. Listen to the field and see how you feel. Let the fields motivate you to properly hydrate, don’t let your lack of hydration demotivate you from listening to fields.

My best piece of advice to combat these feelings is to prioritize removing subconscious limits and dampening your ego. That’s where your worries are coming from.


Sounds to me like you had some subconscious blocks, use SLR or PONR.

Reduce stack, and play it softly

Eventually it will become so habitual you’ll forget you even had this
question lol