How to go about this?

Hey all, so I’m new here and I’ve been reading a lot in the forum and I am actually a little overwhelmed :sweat_smile: excitedly though. I’ve been doing energy healing on the side so I wanted to start with a Playlist with ego dissolution, emotional release, energy blockage removal, etheric cord cutter especially, due to a very emotionally unhealthy friendship/relationship , energy body clearing, subconscious limits removal and a few others. But I’ve seen so many topics including people’s brain stacks and how that should be the first thing to do, heal the brain (or what I understood from reading replies).

But I don’t know where to start, because I do believe that the brain follows the body , so should I not start with body healing fields, targeting stuck energy in the cells or move to healing and enhancing the brain?

Im stuck and advice would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


The first 2 audios in your stack should be this:

Ego Dissolution
Subconscious limits removal

Put them first in your stack in that particular order. They help maximize effectiveness of other audios. All you have to do is play them 2-3x


Thanks a lot @lol will do so :raised_hands:t2:

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I know how overwhelming it can be when you start reading the forum :smiley:

Honestly, this is up to you.
I think you’re doing the right thing overall, the fields you listed and in general the point of no return stack is what I would suggest to start with, whatever someone’s problem may be.
I didnt, and learnt my lesson :slight_smile:
Perhaps add the Plasma field.

However, there is no reason why you couldn’t also have a small brain stack while you focus on blockage removal/release. There is no need to go all the way when you start out… for example:

Good luck!


Hi there @MonkeyOwl :wave:t3: Thank you so much for your suggestion, I read up on it. Could you please tell me why I need to add the plasma field, and how did you learn your lesson if I may ask :sweat_smile:
Also is this the plasma light and infrastructure bioactive Beach? That’s what I found on patreon

Yes, that’s the one.

I see the order of the sentences is a bit confusing, I learnt my lesson not regarding the plasma, but the importance of using the point of no return stack/energy clearing. I started using the teeth regeneration video and a large, new cavity appeared on one of my teeth… that’s when I joined the forum to ask for advice. This is the thread.
In the end I used to point of no return stack only + kept using the teeth audio and the cavity disappeared.

I think for plasma I will just quote @uial who has done the leg work already as usual :smiley:


Thank you so much @MonkeyOwl! Very much appreciated.