How to love?

All suggestion, techniques, perspectives, random thoughts are welcome



Love is effectively something ingrained in us, both the feeling and the ability to love. Though what tends to happen is that someone falls in love, it feels fantastic, both of them appear happily ever after. And that’s exactly what we think in that case: happily ever after. We couldn’t possibly imagine this beautiful partner as anything else than the pure and precious love we feel for them.

Until… You find out that you’re both two individual human beings, both with distinct sets of backgrounds, personalities, character traits, habits, looks, etc. Even if you think you’re a match from heaven, there will come ups and downs as part of the learning lessons. And then it’s up to you to decide how to proceed.

Now, if the choice is the breakup, you may find yourself heartbroken, a visceral feeling of sadness combined with confusion as to how did it come to this that your once so beautiful partner became this way. You might blame them, you might blame yourself. What can happen is that you bottle up these emotions within and close down your beautiful heart.

You ask “how to love?” It indicates to me that in all likelihood you have closed your heart to protect it from further pain. It might be other reasons. In any case, you kind of have “forgotten” that you have this remarkable skill to love and be loved all within you. It’s just waiting there to be rediscovered. We have fields for this and there exist practices.

In essence, you simply dig within and uncover that pure essence of who you are once again. And that’s how you love, by embodying it, by being it. You already are it, you just have to remember


Look at a child, see how they want to share. The intention is love, they don’t ‘try’ to love someone else they simply do.

But as we grow older ‘changes’ occur that prevent or rather limit us from expressing the heaven we once had inside to everything we see. Now we have all of these sun umbrellas that prevent our love from getting through these could be beliefs, guilts, shame, trauma, things we ‘believed’ ourselves to have done and are now incapable of loving another creation let alone ourselves.

Remove the sun umbrella within yourself and naturally you’ll go back to your natural state of being in awe for the apperception for other creations.


How to love?


Proactively working towards negentropy on all levels within yourself and doing your best to help others achieve the same.


the capacity to love is given by the opening of Anahata chakra, by how “opened” and pure it is. Life’s bad hapenings, from this life and from previous lives “close” our heart chakra, and we have to actively work to “open” it in order to be able to love.

In my childhood and after i had a very “closed” heart chakra, and i was having a very small capacity to love, i wasn’t loving anybody (not that they were lovable). But i was caring for people, that was the most of my capacity to love.

I wasn’t able to fall in love, and when i did, it lasted for 4-5 hours…! and then the feeling dissapeared.

When i started doing yoga and having meditations on music, my heart chakra started to open, and it was physically painful, as if somebody was pulling it apart, but those sensations passed.

After that i was able to fall in love much more, and to be more “normal”, and to not consider people as dangerous savage animals and life as a jungle, as i was feeling in my early childhood (it’s how i came in this life).

During time i have healed my soul a lot (through Theta healing etc), and i feel a lot much better, and blissful, and in the past years i have discovered fields and healed myself further.

I had extraordinary experiences with the Black Mahakala NFT, where, beyond the bliss that it gave me, it literally made me love my “enemies” (as perceived by the ego - they were just normal, arogant and impertinent people), i literally realised that i would help drag them out of the water if they were drowning, and saw them in their vulnerability and humanity, and i realised that i was realy loving them!!
I never thought that would be possible for me… Jesus came to tell us this message, but i think nobody took him seriously about really loving our enemies. …And here i am, realizing that this actually happened to me, because of a NFT …
I also saw a huge cockroach in the street, walking, and my first reaction was one of happy surprise and love ! … lol … not typical for me at all… as i was never fond of those creatures at all…
So yes… it’s possible… beyond any expectations…

To open your heart chakra, Anahata chakra, so you can love, you can use yoga postures, heart felt music, caressing pets or collecting pictures of fluffy, cute little creatures etc. Also, beauty of nature opens one’s heart.
And also using fields: for self love, for loving others. For example: The Vibration Of Divine Love, Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence, Shatachandi Yagna, Angelic Intercession etc etc, soul healing fields etc.



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Thanks for all knowledge

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So I came across this thread before and liked the posts here a lot. Wanted to share a few more thoughts on it as well.

I would say that love, at its core, is connection;a unifying intent and action. It’s the embrace and appreciation of someone or something’s existence, finding joy and contentment in its presence. To love is to actively seek the well-being of what you cherish, thinking about how to enhance its happiness and your own through thoughtful and caring actioons.

Loving yourself is the foundation for genuinely loving others. Without self-love, your affection towards others becomes conditional, reliant on their feelings and reactions to fill an internal void. Self-love teaches you to love the world in a balanced and contented way, ensuring your love for others is authentic and not dependent on external validation.

To start loving yourself, accept every aspect of who you are; your failures, mistakes, looks, intelligence, finances. Embrace yourself completely, recognizing that you are your best friend, deserving of unconditional love and support. Supporting yourself at your worst ensures that the love you have for yourself at your best is genuine and lasting. True self-love involves appreciating your strength, resilience, and will to persevere even when you face challenges.

Loving others means wanting the best for them, being aware of their desires, fears, and history, and respecting these aspects. This respect forms the basis for thoughtful actions that show you value and appreciate them. Noticing and acknowledging the little things create a deeper bond. Love also involves honesty, sometimes telling uncomfortable truths out of care, and really listening to others, engaging with their words, and being considerate of their thoughts, even if they differ from yours. This active engagement and respect demonstrate a profound level of care and commitment.

Ultimately, love is a foundational feeling that binds you to something, creating a subconscious connection that brings unity, peace, and synchronicity with that thing, person or yourself.



An unconditional sense of acceptance and appreciation for the divinity in “others”.

Including all the things we like and dislike, their own unique worldviews, paths, etc.

In a way that still allows us to keep our sense of self and sovereignty.

It used to be a purely abstract concept for me.

Now I´m actually starting to see myself talking back to me through other people.

Matter of fact, the whole world.

Imaginarium Divine, among other fields, opened the gates for me.

Few things are as beautiful as seeing people you care about thriving.

“why do you care?”

“why not?”


Yes! This also reminds me of another point.

Sometimes a person you love may have hurt you or is toxic to your state of being. Love would be to also let go of these people in a situation.

If you don’t love yourself but completely love another, you risk allowing them to drag you down. This form of love is not pure; it becomes conditional, dependent on the other person. Such love is a trap, leading to unfulfillment. Genuine love must be grounded in self-love. Without this foundation, love can easily morph into dependency.

So in toxic situations, loving someone is understanding what they are going through and doing what you can to guide them back to the light. But if they stray further down, then you it’s time for you to let go for them to figure themselves out on their own.

Love is to root for them to find themselves back to the light, even if they hurt you.

I say this because sometimes the people we love cause us suffering to a degree that they drag us down with them. At this juncture, love becomes entropic, no longer fostering unity or wholeness, but instead corrupting itself.

And sometimes we do let go but with hatred and disdain for that person and hoping for the worst. Holding onto that feeling is still an attachment to that person that sucks you into bottomless pit of hatred.


perfectly said :slight_smile:

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There are techniques. Samuel laid out great insights and his experiences.

Including the most important starting point which is “thy-self”.

Do the work now or deal with it as it comes.

I recommend do what resonates with you.

Whatever you come across, that is the ‘best way’ to approach it. Let the world unfold for you.

Google is your friend.


My perspective;

In essence love is very simple. However, it is impossible to understand what it is, and consequently how to love, without firsthand experience of it. But we can recognize what love is not.

Love is often mistaken for how you react to it. It’s symptoms, which can come in many forms. Dependency, toxic attachment, are simply not love. Yes they might derive from love for another person but, as Sammy said, they mostly involve a lack of love for yourself and the world in general, the denial that other things are worth loving.

As a result of painful experiences such as obsessive attachment or abuse from a loved one we tend to shut down our ability to love. In fact the problem is not that we have loved too much, but that we have not loved ourselves enough. Balancing love, not removing it, is key to healing.

In order to love someone or something you have to truly pay attention to it. It does not involve knowing it, in fact I don’t think total knowledge is possible, but in my experience it comes with a deep longing to truly understand it, to actually see it for what it is. In this way it can be heartbreaking because it is the desire for something that cannot be achieved. But life’s endless possibilities for learning are what make it worthwhile. To love is to open yourself to learning and experiences, so your ability to love is inherently tied to your ability to live.

Love also comes with complete appreciation for the existence of what or who you love. And change is an intrinsic part of existence. To love is not to want the object of your love to stay as it is forever; it is a celebration of its ability to evolve, possibly learn and grow. :heartpulse:


i think love is the cohesive force of the universe, and the aspiration for oneness of all