How to Maximize the Benefits of Using Enlightened States Tools

Hi everyone,

I am relatively new to Enlightened States and have been exploring the various tools and fields available. I am curious about the best practices for using these tools to get the most out of them. Specifically ::-

  • Frequency of Use: How often should I use a particular field to see noticeable results: ?? Is there an optimal duration for listening or using these tools: ??

  • Combining Fields: Can I combine multiple fields in a single session: ?? If so, are there any specific combinations that work particularly well together: ??

  • Personalization: How can I tailor the fields to my personal needs? Are there any tips for aligning these tools with individual goals?

I also read this article: but couldn’t find helpful information.

Thanks in advance for your insights… :grinning:

With Regards,



Hello, @merrika67 and

I think this is a good thread for newcomers (it offers many links and answers too):

Daily, ideally, although not absolutely necessary.
You might have results even if you listen every second day or so, but daily listen is best listen.

At least 10 minutes of listening per field is usually good enough.

Also, for your other/next question:

Also, There are also fields which help you have faster and better results, like Kinetic Quasi Crystal.

For any other questions, feel free to use the search function :grinning: (or just ask the forum).

Have a Pleasant stay around here. :pray:


Hey there @merrika67 Welcome,

Frequency of Use: It depends on what type of fields you are using, are they Fields used for Physical changes or Spiritual content? Physical Fields require daily usage atleast 3-4 times for few months, it varies from person.

Combining Fields: Yeah you can combine fields to boost effect like brain fields which Compliment each other, but some fields may clash like using Testosterone and Estrogen/Hormone fields.

Personalization: Yeah you can, best is to create a Playlist and drop a name to it like “Beauty Zone, Bountiful Healer” the goal is best suited to use Plasma Beach, Ego Dissolution and Subconscious limit Remover 3.0 before any other fields for deeper impact.

:smiley: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Welcome. I think, above all, your conscience/awareness of the desired result is IMO most important.

Imagine fields to be like the end of a tunnel, the destination for which the tunnel leads to. You can either walk through the tunnel (unconsciously, without intent and focus) or drive through the tunnel (with intention and focus).

Your awareness and working with the fields yields the quickest results, even if some results come quickly.