Last but not least, if you want to go deeper… From my, the universe is experiencing the world through you. You are a fragment of the universe’s unlimited perspective of everything.
This fragment is your consciousness. It has existed for a long time, inhabiting many bodies and experiencing many different lives. With each life, it learns more and expands more. The pure essence of your consciousness is what is called the higher self. But when you inhabit a body, your vast consciousness is constricted to its physical structure and the limitations of the world… so within the body, you develop a lower mind to navigate the world. The ego.
Planet Earth is this world right now. Our higher selves have been expanding through many different lifetimes in this planet. Our higher selves are unconditional to whatever we go through. We can be tortured for 30 years and just die… and it would be fine to the higher self. It would grow from that as well.
Evolve. That is the fundamental purpose of the higher self. To grow on and on and become more advanced to inhabit more complex bodies, to larger ones like planets, to stars, solar systems, galaxies and eventually a universe. Infinity is ever expanding. The universe expands infinitely through each of us infinitely expanding. It’s a never-ending cycle…
So what does that mean to us small humans on the scale of infinity? If you forget what your purpose is, just know it is to grow. Eventually, if not in this lifetime, you’ll figure that out yourself and work on evolving yourself. Or… you can begin working towards ending the cycle of rebirth here and evolve past the limiting facets of this realm. If you do, you’ll learn what you’ve had to learn as a human being and can go on to new and bigger things.
How do you do that? That’s what the spiritual path leads to really We have so many great audios like raise your vibration, guided path, higher self, ext… that will help guide you along this path. And although anything you do leads to growth for the higher self, when you become conscious of the path and work towards your evolution, you will get closer to the end point of your human story. So there… that’s some purpose for you.
That being said, that is just my thoughts on this. Neither one of these few answers is the ultimate correct one truthfully. Just some perspective to help you on your way. Truth is, the only person that can answer these deeper questions is you. You create purpose in this life.