How to play fields around others without them getting the effects

This is more aimed at brain loopers and ppl who play fields 24 /7 how tf do you manage to listen to fields around others without them getting effected lol

I guess earbuds but its just rude having 1 ear bud in when your with ppl :joy::joy:? Or do you just let them get effected lol

Is there any audios where u can create a shield so others don’t effected by the audios? If anyone has a n audio like that please dm me it if its a different Creator thanks


Brain fields are all paid and paid fields don’t work for others, so nothing to worry. You can play on mobile directly with low volume.


Urmmm they work for family and that’s mainly who I play it around lol :sob:


Low volume in your pockets should not reach other peoples aura


Even if I’m right next to them lol?



Depends on how close you are to them I guess

If you have earbuds in your pockets playing the field on the lowest volume it wouldnt really leave your aura

So make sure to have a distance of at least a meter just to make sure


The only downside with that is the more complex fields that don’t work as effectively with earbuds

(Swords of Adipose Annihilation for example, which is older than newer editioned fields, I remember this being said to be the case for this field)

And the other downside is,

Not hearing it means you’re not engaging your awareness on it
Which integrates less in the psyche

(Meditating on it integrates the most for example besides doing additional things like pranayama)


The best way is with servitors ensuring people don’t get affected

Have them funnel the energy to you and you alone

While having it low volumed and keeping a distance like Beast said above


Oh actually I think it would still work, just needs space

Ear buds in pockets are good then

Don’t mind me :grimacing:

I thought it had to do with size of the audio emitter

Pretty cool stuff, great life we lead


I have an 14months old boy. he is always nearby and sometimes he sleeps on my lap. Wondering what would be right way to listen to nearby babies !

Well, i have almost no friends irl, so that’s a solution. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Now, for real, I just play them in the pocket (low volume when near other people, also, unless the same person would be exposed over and over again to the same field, no worries, it’s effects should fade quite immediately, in the worst case scenario, but they are not aware of the fields anyway, so their subconscious rejects them anyway, most probably) or using headphones.

Anyway, I might do them a favor. :sweat_smile:
Also, most people are not energy sensitive and fields don’t work that easily for some people.

Anyway, no worries.

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Oh God pls don’t listen when your with your baby man…

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I would not recommend playing these super duper brain field around cats.

Cats already in important positions around the world, and if they get any more boost and push, they gonna take over the world!!!




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@anon38669887 Be careful, watch out with those cats…
Well, if they take over, we know whom to blame. :upside_down_face:

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Maitreya has one.
It’s called DM: The Chosen


I wonder the same. I played Minor Blueprint of Power on low volume like five meters away from a friend. She couldn’t sleep until 4 am… wonder if it’s coincidence since the claim is that paid fields are protected and only work with the one buying it.

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type : cats taking over the world in google :joy:

It’s done anyways lol


I listen the audios in the same room that my children, is difficult to have a special room because in the instructions say that I have to rest :sweat_smile:
And also I read that if I stay one meter of the children with headphones nothing happen with them.

My daughters sleep very well., I hope.