How to sign up another Patreon account for family member

I have an elderly family member who might find some of Sapien’s Patreon offerings helpful–I’ve discussed this with her. (I’m 70 myself, and have a premium membership). My understanding is that it’s best to sign up my family member as an additional account. I’m wondering how best to do this. Would I sign up under her name and email? Also, would it be okay to use my credit info., or should I use her credit card? To start, I would just sign her up with a basic account; perhaps later with a premium account.

Once I’ve set up an account for my family member, would I be able to download the files using my account and transfer them to her, or would she (or I) need to sign in under her name and get the appropriate files that way? (she’s not really tech savvy, so it would be easier if I handled the downloads.)

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I am pretty sure you can just share your account with your family member if you would like, for the $4.50 subscription. It won’t make a difference. the files work even when you cancel the subscription. You could just share the audio files with her too.

If you are getting premium then it’s best you make another account under their details.
im pretty sure the premium subscription works by picking up on your intention so if you know that she is not the rightful owner, it’ll sense your deceit. If your intentions are clear you’ll be okay.


Thanks, Toby. That sounds about right. Just to be clear, my family member is not in my household–she lives four or five blocks away. I don’t think that makes a difference (for the $4.50 tier) , but I suppose it might.

Yes $4.50 tier is a generous tier you can share with your immediate family (distance doesn’t matter) but not anyone else. For premium tier, you can create a new account in her name and still use your credit card to pay for it. You just need to download the premium fields and share with her.

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