How to use a NFT that’s printed out properly

Hey guys, I’m just confused here and I couldn’t find the right place to ask, but I have various questions that I hope more experienced members of the forums (also those that have printed NFTs) could help me with.

  1. Does it matter if the NFT is printed in colour or not? My printer is old and doesn’t print in colour.

  2. Does it matter what quality the NFT is printed in, depending on the software used? For example would a low quality print off affect the NFT effectiveness in anyway as opposed to a HQ print off?

  3. I plan on printing off the NFT full scale on A4 paper, (non coloured) then just folding the paper inside my phone case. Will this cause any issues, since the NFT is technically folded inside my phone case?

  4. Since it needs to be printed full scale for maximum effect, if I scale down the photo using photoshop, then print it off on A4 paper so it fits inside my phone without needing folding. I can just cut the rest of the paper then keep the literal scaled down NFT paper print in my phone case, without it folding over itself.
    Would this make any difference at all, vs just printing it out full scale on A4 paper then just folding it inside my phone case?


I can’t say anything with authority.

But, in my experience, scale doesn’t seem to matter too much. The pendants that are made from NFTs are definitely not on the scale of the original file—they are all much smaller and, in many cases, cropped.

There were some NFTs that were made into engraved pendants (basically monochrome/1-color with respect to the metal of the object) and it was mentioned that they should still work.

I’ve experimented with putting multiple NFTs in a type of carrier pendant and, for that, they’re slightly larger than postage stamps. I’ve made tweaks so that they match the details of the image as closely as possible but (at that scale) pixellation does show for some details. —Regardless of that, I was able to see waves of activity in the energy field around the images after they were printed and the pendant had a strong energetic sense around it once I put the images inside.

Whether folding makes a difference, I cannot say. I’ve experimented with noOne’s idea of having a cylindrical pendant with the NFT rolled up and I don’t get the same level of sensation with it. But that might be because my cylinder pendant was steel and that has some weird effects for me. My current pendant is titanium and the images are slightly bent at the corners but the image itself is all facing in the same direction—with this, I get a strong sensation of the energetics when it’s taken on or off.


I saw Dream post in one of the more recent threads that bringing a NFT into the physical world just by printing it off is better than just having it sit in your wallet digitally, however even that still works, since it’s energetically tied to the owner through their wallet. Do you think that whether it’s printed in colour or not will affect it in anyway?


My sense of it is that things are best when close to the original image.

But, from what has been written, it doesn’t seem like color should matter:


Thank you very much for tagging that thread, I was looking for the past hour or so for a clear answer, that’s pretty much answered all my questions. :)


Doesn’t matter (beyond your own personal enjoyment) if it’s printed in color or black-and-white. Works the same either way.


Beyond your personal enjoyment, no, it doesn’t matter.

It will be harder for you to interact with your NFT and could be easier for you to forget about your NFT with such a setup. Those would be “issues.” There can be an “out of sight; out of mind” issue. (See How to Better Connect with Servitors/Audios/Items/Mandalas for some helpful hints.)

Folding, however, is not a problem.

Maybe we’re meaning different things when you and I talk about “full scale,” but I haven’t heard anything about “full scale” as necessary. I have read where you don’t want to (excessively) trim your print–whatever scale you print yours at–because it’s the print which carries the field.

That should be fine, although folding is only a problem when it contributes to the “out of sight, out of mind” factor.


Size doesn’t make a difference in my experience. I make many of mine into tag size (even the ones that don’t function like tags) and I still get the same effect as if it was big.


Hello what kind of pendant You use ?

You have Photo?
I use this for mandalas descarga (1)

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I just settled for literally printing it out on A4 paper 2x3, and storing it inside my phone case. Works like a charm :joy::sweat_smile:


I also had some small energetic/fielded objects that I put inside it too, but phone case storage is definitely effective :+1: and a lot more economical :laughing:

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I see you put your fields inside Nice idea


You could also make a custom phone case with a mandala, that’s what I did at least


Thinking about making nfts into these projection pendants
I’m not comfortable wearing my Aphrodite there for everyone to see lol

What do you guys think about this keychain?
Would nfts work when the film is hidden(rolled in)?

I made the mistake of not putting it in portrait and leaving it in landscape mode. Also don’t mess with the “fit to screen” option which I think messes with the quality of the field. I also recommend view the original image on Solscan and download the image directly from that page. When you send it via iPhone, make sure you use the original megabyte file that is high def!