Hybrid Morphics? 🤔 what if

How strong would morphic fields become if other energy types + subliminals were included in their making? :thinking:

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From reading some of Xtrememind’s current products, they are still using the “hybrid Morphics” that Mr. GreenTea created for them over 10 years ago.
He’s left soon afterwards and sadly they’ve never updated or found something stronger.

The main concern is…having someone who’s knowledgeable and skillful enough to do that.


Great answer… thank you

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You’re pretty brilliant OM, couldn’t you do that?

I could.
I don’t… Due to experiences working on morphic fields with Mr. GreenTea back then.

It would take me quite a bit of time and work to catch up to DW now. (and I’d still be 10 years behind when I caught up :joy:)
I don’t have his patience.


Some of Quadible Integrity’s audios incorporate morphic fields in with their other types of energy work, so you could check their YouTube page and read the video descriptions to see if you can find which ones do this (not all do).

Also, you could attempt this yourself, if you already know any energy practices that use mechanisms other than psychic energies. But, chances are, if you’re asking if it’s possible, then you probably should be cautious about attempting anything like this, if at all.

Big difference between using a Magi’s creations, learning to be a Magi, and becoming a multi-disciplinary Magi.


Which are those products from xtrememinds?

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