Hydrogen Accumulation + Fission

Thank you @Psimindset

See theoretical benefits: New Release - Hydrogen Accumulation + Fission - #132 by Vincit

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Well I bought it. Really feeling weird the first loops :stuck_out_tongue:. Assessing… will report later on it…


Interested to see if people have the same benefits from this field that people like this attribute to hydrogen water and direct intake.

If so it could be a perfect gentle all purpose healing field

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Since there are two threads…

Update/testimony on this one: My digestion problems are almost none to zero for foods that triggered these digestion problems. Wonderful field.

I went on a holiday in Italy for ski-ing. My intestines really don’t like recipes with oil in it (olive oil typically). Since in South Europe they really do like to use lots of oil. My intestines and oil in the past was a no-go. Now I noticed that i didn’t really had any problems digesting it. I also notice that i digest other stuff quite easily. Less windiness also ;).


Would be a great complement if you have the field

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Ah no, it is no longer sold :slight_smile:


This is a mellow meditative track, about 13 mins long, mellow ambience with background birds.
Contemplate on the benefits of Hydrogen therapy as you enjoy this track.
Molecular hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the world, but don’t let its size fool you, molecular hydrogen or H2 can be noted as one of the most potent antioxidants available to us. Being the very first element, hydrogen has been a part of evolution from the origins of the universe. The use of molecular hydrogen to support health has been well studied in both clinical trials and animal studies with some recent studies on many topics of interest. The multidimensional benefits of hydrogen have shown to influence detoxification pathways, brain health, healthy aging and longevity, influence post exercise recovery as well as have an exercise mimicking effect on the body.
(description from quicksilverscientific. )
Allow these effects to wash over you and help you on your journey of health and wellness.

This audios are made to work also with contemplative practices. These are activities that guide you to direct your attention to a specific focus—often an inward-looking reflection or concentration on a specific sensation or concept. Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind.



nice synchronity :+1:


Just bought! I don’t even know the full extent of what this can do! (Other than gym gains :stuck_out_tongue:)

Edit: it’s 13:07 long, that’s a special number for me :)


A quick search about Hydrogen

Let me introduce you to Hydrogen Therapy

What is H2 Therapy? The safe and effective inhalation of less than 10% Hydrogen gas is known as Hydrogen Therapy. Every cell in our body is surrounded by a membrane, a barrier designed to control what particles are allowed in and out of the cell. Hydrogen is so small, that it is able to diffuse freely across these membranes, slipping through the gaps to make its way into our cells. For this reason, hydrogen is able to cross other membranes too, like the blood-brain barrier. This is important because it’s INSIDE the cell where hydrogen performs its magic. Hydrogen seems to work at the nuclear gene transcription level, telling our cells to start pumping out more powerful free radical scavengers, like glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. These enzymes are like the special forces of rooting out harmful free radicals. Specifically, hydrogen appears to target the Nrf2 pathway, a master pathway of antioxidant regulation

Hydrogen also affects intracellular signaling, telling our cells to slow down on processes that create harmful free radicals and to downregulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. While the exact cellular targets that cause these changes are still unknown, more research is being done all the time to get a better understanding of the exact pharmacodynamics. It’s precise because of these effects at the cellular level, that hydrogen is able to have an impact on so many different biological processes and disease states. It’s like a skeleton key that unlocks your body’s master systems to maintain homeostasis and promote healthy immune function.


Fission occurs when a neutron slams into a larger atom, forcing it to excite and spilt into two smaller atoms—also known as fission products. Additional neutrons are also released that can initiate a chain reaction. When each atom splits, a tremendous amount of energy is released.

Edit: Adding scientific paper


Dream just made nuclear fission into an audio. Read that again.

Brain stack


Are folks familiar with Patrick Flanagan’s work? The Hydrogen water research - Megahydrate?

I found that drinking this water reduced my inflammation big way. Pretty sure we can achieve the same (and much better) results with this one.

When I lived in Tokyo for a while, it was a big trend for people to drink Hydrogen water - some for anti-aging, skincare benefits, others for treating more severe diseases.

From early testing of this field, one interesting effect I noticed is that I am way less hungry than usual but full of energy.

One study of 49 people with liver cancer showed that drinking hydrogen-rich water for six weeks during radiation therapy could improve quality of life during treatment.

Hydrogen water is said to increase energy, reduce inflammation and reduce recovery times after workouts. A study of 10 soccer players showed that drinking hydrogen water may reduce muscle fatigue and muscle function decline caused by exercising. But more research is needed.

Preliminary studies also suggest hydrogen water may be anti-inflammatory, a quality that may reduce the risk of heart disease and other life-threatening diseases.

Use of Hydrogen Therapy in Oncology - paper.


1+3+0+7 = 11 → 1+1 = 2.


So are you saying…
Blueprint of life + Hydrogen accumulation + your brain stack?


I requested one for hydrogen, too bad I don’t have yet money to buy this.


Is there any plasma field on this audio?


Smart Stem Cells, Plasma to Mitochondria, Induced mots-C, Hydrogen Accumulator and Fisson = Goodbye aging and disease :wave: :slight_smile:


Hmm so this field can also deepen meditation?
I cant imagine how powerful this would be, wow just wow :clap:
Those where already have this field, please give us a quick review the next days how it changed your meditation!