Hypersensitive skin

Hey guys,

I am looking for something to heal/repair my skin barrier. My skin is super sensitive to everything.

I found the skin barrier repair and the collagen booster after looking on the site. Also vitamin c, but I don’t think I need it.

skin scarring repair. collagen version 2.

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Cold laser therapy good for skin inflammation


Sensitive to what? Some times skin issues are due to over presence of histamines

When I look up hypersensitive skin, I check EVERY box when I look at the symptoms and causes. I also got eczema because of this. But I also get burning and stinging sensations as soon as I get near the trigger. I also got hyperhidrosis, which when u sweat, my hands and left toe start to swell everytime, sometime painful. Even when it’s just on my armpits, how it started, I would get that pain and swelling of my fingers(even though it’s not touching it).

Like when someone is showering and using shampoo or soap, and I walk past the door to go downstairs, my body starts to sting like hell everywhere, sometimes red in the face until I am out of the area of where it can touch me I guess , then it starts to calm down in like not more than 5 minutes, and you don’t see a thing of it anymore on my skin. The same goes for cigarette smoke, perfume (not aso hurtful as the other two tho, but annoying nevertheless), detergents, cleaning products.

Triggers for the pain (note that I don’t use these products on my skin, it comes when I am in the area where someone uses it):

  • cigarette smoke
  • chemicals in our new couch (whenever I get
    too close, my body reacts). I always sit in a
    folding chair).
  • detergents
  • feces
  • heat/heated objects (when I touch something
    that’s a little warm, like my phone or a plate out
    of the microwave, my body becomes extremely
    dry and itchy)
  • perfume/deodorant
  • soap/shampoo
  • sun exposure
  • sweating

Triggers for nausea:

  • feces
  • scented candles
  • sweating

Trigger for swelling of fingers and left toe (although I sweat under my feet and armpits because of hyperhidrosis (and very little on my hands), so not on the places where I swell up, seems like it’s triggering when the smell is hanging in the air and touching my skin). Or my body just reacts with the sweat at those places, even though it’s not sweating there:

  •   feces
  • sweating

Triggers for red, burning eyes:

  • sweating (again, it’s not sweat that comes into my eyes, but when I sweat, I think because it’s in the air).

Also, when I eat one bite of chocolate or cheese, I immediately get acne coming up.

When I get water on me, everywhere but my hands, even just one tiny drop on my toe, for example, my whole body starts to become extremely dry. I haven’t showered in a very long time because of this.

Alcohol on my body makes me swell too (was in the hospital where I was taking a blood test and she put alcohol on the wound which swelled up. I forgot to mention I have very sensitive skin.

Oh my. I hope you get better soon. Have you tried Cosmo volt? And also

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you might try Auto-immune too.

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I doubt it to be allergic reaction. Histamine. Body reacting to anything as threat to immunity.
Should ask captain for anti histamine field.

and do you think that body reacting to anything as threat doesn’t include allergic reactions, which btw include histamine too? He should just try those 3 fields and he will see for himself whether it helps him or not.
And also, preferably, he should ask doctors and maybe get antihistamine medication too.


Did you misread? Or were my wordings not clear.
I said, even I feel it to be allergic reaction ( caused by histamine ).

Translate it to your native language.

Ye so do I hehe. No I haven’t seen these before, but I will try them. Thanks

well, if you give me a field for telepathy, I will take it. But you said totally opposite of what you wanted, just pointing it out, I recommend you editing it so it’s actually what you wanted to say, don’t seek arguments with me.

Instant regret, I wish I act more mature in this forum and not waste my time in silly egoistic stuffs.
You do you.