Ah yes, mention your work is an adaptation of SpiritualTechology now in this thread after I make the public aware of it. You made no mention of such thing your cease and desist thread lol.
And you know, you keep using previous conversations with Angel as evidence. Angel is not the one getting sued. I am getting sued.
For having ‘copyrighted’ content on a course hosted on my website.
So this evidence should be from the course itself. And in truth, you never purchased the course or had a look at it. You never took the offer to look at the course to confirm things, Mr. ******* ***** .
You sued without even looking at the content you are suing.
And the reason why you keep dodging the question, ‘where is the evidence within the course that shows copyright infringment’ is because you have never even gave the course a look.
And all this drama about copyright infringement on a course you haven’t laid eyes upon.
But hmm, let us consider more possibilities.
Maybe you somehow did see the course because someone gave you their login. If so, then you should have your evidence by now to show to the public. To make Angel and Sammy look like fools and put them
in their place. And pretty much end all this drama and come out the more honorable person.
But in that hypothetical, if you did look at the course and found something and refused to show, then you are just doing all this to prolong drama. Wasting all of our time and energy. And being spiteful out of pettiness.
But worse, if you did look and find no evidence and have kept all this drama going, you are just being spiteful for the sake of it.
Every single one of these scenarios, you don’t appear to be acting out of good will or honor.
You have been given every chance to do the right thing. And well after all is said and done, I spoke to Ivana, the creator of the EOW.
And I would highly recommend everyone here to check out her work and even book private sessions. http://www.downtoearthmagic.com/
Her highway of nirvana is an evolution of her work and is something I am sure people here would grow immensely from. I will share more of her work for you all to take in so you can learn from the source rather than learn from OM.
Because he is not going to be a part of our forum any longer.