Hypothetical: printing a billboard sized mandala

my understanding is that the mandalas have a higher intensity the larger they are. Just imagine the intensity of a billboard-sized mandala

I assume the energy would propagate in a larger area, proportional to its size, around the mandala and would be felt by people walking by it, even those who do not believe in such things

It would be an interesting idea to do this on a billboard on a busy city street or highway, with the negative ion creator or attract positivity.


That would be awesome. but we don’t know for sure how much the range will be, it could be 100 meters around or just 10 meters. Another alternative would be to put multiple smaller posters all over the street :)


urm i dont think theyre stronger if theyre bigger

can some1 else confirm? coz i have loads of small ones in the back of my phone lol


I may be mistaken but I believe I saw @SammyG mention it somewhere?

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Yeah I thought of doing something like this, maybe with a environmental field portal and just plant them all over the city every few blocks.


I like the idea very much, but I also think it would affect people who don’t want to be affected by fields, thus infringing on their free will

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yes this is a fair point. negative ion creator would be an all-round positive thing when you consider the polluted city atmosphere.