I am a 1000 days on this forum - here is what I learned

Hey guys,


As you can see above, I am at 1k days visited on this forum.
Its hard to express into words all the things that have happened.
But I thought I’d better write something.

In the simplest terms, I am just really and utterly grateful to have stumbled upon this place. So many unique characters and souls to learn from. A little microcosm of the so called “real world”, as if this one wasn’t real. It does feel somewhat like Neo being asked by Morpheus “What is real?”. Well, as you know, this forum has truly truly expanded my horizon on that end, thats for sure.

“Expand your mind”

Lol, who would have thought that nowadays I can go into meditation, connect to a servitor that acts as a bridge between us and Arcturian Aliens, ask for their high-tech input and automize my mind expansion :joy:

I keep remembering that I had the thought in the beginning “Wow, if my family knew I am buying an mp3 online for 200+…” That was Blueprint of Life, which I am obviously still using nowadays.

I feel different somehow. Yet at the same time haven’t changed a bit.
My life has improved - in every aspect imaginable. And yet I still have a sense that this is only the beginning.

At times I am really speechless by what we have and what we received here. Thats why it was my honor to give at least some little gifts in return to the Captains Sammy and Dream here.

I just wanna thank people here - both those that supported me and those that opposed me. Its all good, truth be told, because there are so many lessons to be learned.

I am still trying to finish reading the forum, as if thats ever attainable lol.

There is so much knowledge here and so much wisdom, it is truly beyond me. So many people are being helped every day by this…this…medicine for humans - this Sapien Medicine.

What a wondrous, wondrous place. Curious. Odd. Interesting.

Cheers to you all. From the depths of my heart I wish you attain all that you seek.



Lol, I reached my 1000 days today too


Nice, I reached my 1000 days 2 weeks ago :smiley:



…but can you beat this? :stuck_out_tongue:



1.1k days visited

342k posts read

(I am certain there are people who could beat me.)


Rookie numbers


My girlfriend found out I paid for “What fat?” and went crazy. Wait until she discovers the rest and also finds out about my NFT collection :grimacing:

I replaced time spent on social media networks with reading stuff on the forum. A great habit switch!


I just reached 1000 today (it seems from my stats), as well. Neat.



I never realized I was this old on the server


Well, if there is a choice between a girlfriend and NFTs, We count on You to pick the Right Choice lol.


Congrats on Your Journey @Nice2knowU and @Dyslexic_Professor, @JAAJ, @SilverZuzu, @morph, @Replay, @Bultar and Everyone who reached 1k days on this forum!

You Guys Are An Inspiration! :pray:


Hooray for all of you! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


yea, lol i wouldnt want to have to explain spending 200$ this Christmas to my dad on an mp3!

I feel these fields are easily worth thousands of $ to be honest. I feel Hollywood celebrities have secretly used them over the years but not from Dreamweaver who is light centric but from some other forces, shadow centric peoples.

The Rock for instance has that OM symbol tattoo’d to his arm


How about an NFT loving girlfriend? :hugs:


That sounds Great. :grinning:

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