I can’t pinpoint the problem please help

You say you “have to”. That"s a lot of time to be “studying”. Is it useful to apply yourself thus? Do you retain the information… if I were studying nine hours a day I would not remember anything. It is in the gaps that you process the information; when you are not studying.

What is your motivation? Do you enjoy what you study? “Studying” something you enjoy can be more like play. “Studying” something you don’t enjoy will be work.

Anyway nine hours a day sounds like a recipe for burnout… unless you enjoy it then you can work for that amount of time and not be tired.

Do you learn when you are bored? Do you learn when you force yourself? Do you learn when you do things by rote? Or are you simply filling a quota of time that says “I studied nine hours today so today has been a success”, when in actual fact you end the day exhausted and kind of miserable?

I don’t know your situation, or what you are studying. Simply some thoughts.

Proactive Brain.


Seems like you are trying to get a lot done in very less time. If possible try studying from library and see if it makes any difference. And don’t listen to so many fields, stick to Stop Procrastinating, Attention and Focus, and Unstoppable Willpower for a while. Play them on loop as long as you are reading and for days till you think you are able to sit and read at a stretch for 1 to 1.5 hrs. After that you can add others related to brain.


i did enjoy it the first few days(i studied 6-7 hours) but after that i started getting tired and easily defocused
i set it to 9 because it’s what other competitors do but i’m deeply agreed with all of your words it’s just causing me to stress about the hours instead of studying itself

thank you so much for the reply!!

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you’re right i’ll try both thank you so much for the reply!


Truth is, we can work in deep focus 4 hours a day, on average. And I doubt those numbers, how they play out in reality.

In the other thread you were told about the power of pauses. I recommended the brain refresher cause it could have a similar effect as taking pauses (a bit more forceful and may not help retain things as well).

So…you can wire your brain, you can energize it as much as you want. It needs to rest. When are you going to consolidate new memories if you keep shoving more information?

You also mentioned classes so I assume you have 6 hours of classes and 9 of studying? 15 hours a day occupied. And no time to rest or for yourself…

It may be time to…give yourself some time, and start doing “manifesting” related activities. They could steer things in the right direction.

I know guys that randomly skip chapters…and those one never come on the exams.

I’ve also seen guys engaging some divinity and doing greater than when they actually study.

There is a field called comfort and security (with ASMR smth) so it probably helps to rest the brain. Air revitalizer would help too (the brain recovers on ionized ambiences).

The thing is…the audios need extra time for the changes to take place. You’re putting a burden on yourself. But if you need to feel clarity and you’re already using your brain heavily…it may be too much.

Yes. It is the exhaustion. You can’t work your brain 15 hours a day at peak condition. Not yet at least.

I’d use “all purpose anxiety removal”, ISIRB and RBM3 (besides being good for the brain, it makes you more resilient against stress), and slow down the perception of time. That may change your sessions.

Also this when stress builds up:

If you’re using superhuman genius, you will need to use the autism field, just in case. And you may try to sleep with brain regeneration or at least loop some hours.

Besides that, limit the amount of stimulating/wiring fields you use. Use a different one each day, and once you know how they work on you, stick to the one you like best.

I’ve experienced unlimited focus and enregy with the brain refresher and 2 plays of will power.

But…it was repetitive tasks. Those felds help to grind, but in learning, there is more nuance and balance. It isn’t a matter of repeating things mindlessly.

So keep that in mind too. And start designing your rests too. Like what fields you will use, etc.

I know people that compete over studying 14-16 hours and whatnot. There is no end to it. Those mindsets have to change, to be honest.

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Proactive Brain: I really recommend it. Try it for yourself.


Drift again i’m overwhelmed with how kind you’re writing and explaining everything to me i can’t thank you enough surely i’ll read whatever you mentioned multiple time and try my best
you’re right i’m making things harder for myself

again i truly appreciate your reply i wish you the best🙂

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i have to reach third parties for international payments but i really want to buy some so despite the prices i’ll save money for it
thank you!

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Forgot to mention resilience, but if you get Proactive Brain, it won’t be needed. That’s a good one.

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Overstimulating the brain with multitude of fields at once while you study in conjunction to these frantic racing thoughts, can preset profound insights to whats actually going on; your overloading and overworking yourself :slight_smile:

its also probably best not to self diagnosis you’ll just tumble more into these negative spirals

I think ego dissolution, implementing more healthier habits, and subconscious limits dissolver 3.0, will do you wonders, although this seems more like a deep seated habitual limiting pattern rather than the answer lays in a field. If I were you, I’d: Take some time alone, and ask myself what’s making me feel that studying a specific amount of hours will ensure my success. You’ll be able to rework this entire situation much more smoothly once you learn your reasoning for why
Unless there’s a video camera that’s watching you clock in and out in for meeting that 9 hour bench mark daily- maybe it’s time to study smarter, not longer :slight_smile: :four_leaf_clover:


i don’t think i be able to get that anytime soon it’s 2-3 millions here😁i’ll keep the resilience in the meantime
thank you!

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thank you for the kind words i’m really feeling awesome after all of the replies; you’re right it’s probably deeper than i thought i’ll listen to ones you mentioned as well​:slightly_smiling_face::cherry_blossom:

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how is it going now?

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hi thank you for being so kind with me and asking about the process i was doing so well but suddenly everything turned back into the first place :( i feel like i lost my mental stability with everything from studying to listening regularly to the audios and it became worse
i’m retrying to get back on the routine i don’t know how can i express this but i was so down before getting your reply and this made me realize that i’ve done this for once so i can do this again
so yeah thank you so much

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No problem but may be you are expecting too much from yourself and being hard on yourself? Sometimes we see and think things are more worse than they actually are, that is why I suggested to start with a short stack.

Suggest listening to this as well - Compassionate Acceptance and Understanding.

Consistency always beats intensity, so keep at it, good luck.


the problem is when i take it just a little easier on myself i start to forget how serious it is for me and i keep letting myself take it easier and easier and so on
i know it sounds really ridiculous and i don’t know what’s my problem :(
it’s like either 0 or 100 for me when i logically believe that even 1 is better than 0 but i can’t act like it

Did you seek help from some student guide or someone else at the university?

yeah but it seems like they just label it as excuses for procrastination? i mean maybe they’re right
i sometimes take small doses of risperidone so i can focus on goals better but not always helpful(and it cause dizziness)

Ok, if you are listening to too many fields cut them down and just spam these every day and see.

thanks :) i’ll stick to these

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