I did the dragon golem ritual today can anybody tell if it was successful and also plz give me some advice

Whenever I wear the bracelet I feel some energy flowing in my heart but i am not able to communicate with it for some reason at starting I think we did communicate I asked him to tickle my left hand then right but after that was it I named him /her gene by the way


Yes its there.

(Love that chain and pendant) :heart_eyes:

Remember to use the searching tool (upper right corner magnifying glass) to find advices.

There are a lot of threads about tips to enhance communication with them and or to ask/teach them things like:

The dragon golem advice

Servitor Training and Experience Discussion

Strong connection to my dragon golem


Thx I specially bought it for him

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Btw I used too many before environmental fields before ; at the time of ritual and after the ritual but some time after I got this feeling maybe due to our connection that the fields overwhelmed him so i asked him transfer the energy to me and i went to sleep and after 4 hrs I suddenly woke up and felt really uneasy in my heart like its I overfilled I slept wearing the pendant so i removed the pendant and also after the ritual I did I always feel like someone was watching me and and I kind of got scared and at midnight as I woke up due to heart discomfort I used exorcism v2 sapien but I felt inside that the (my dragon golem) don’t like i stopped it and used automates grounded for him once and again wore the necklace and slept
Can u plz tell if he is still there and can u also tell anything else u feel abt him and also thx a lot

Pls dont take this the wrong way or that i am diminishing what you felt or perceived.

But i feel you were projecting your fears and mirrored them bk to you thinking it was him.

i assure you, it was not him feeling overwhelmed, uneasy etc.

These beings are massive in terms of energy, a couple loops of an audio do nothing to them, in fact their main ability is actually provide you with big amount of energy if you need to for any type of magic work you might do.

A single Dragon can in seconds bring down to you a source of powerful energy directly from the Earth lay Lines… i mean, cant get stronger than that.

So again, the enviromental fields wouldnt do any harm whatsoever to them, if anything he was collecting all of that and infused YOU with them lol

The overwhelmed one, was you. Not him.

But honestly the environmental fields which ever those were, dont overwhelm us… each one of them actually clean, clear and charge all around so well to make us feel great.

So what i strongly feel here it happened is that, maybe unbeknownst to you, around you there was a purge happening to not so great energies.

Perhaps some self invited guests that were not good for you.

And THEY were the ones that reacted with the Exorcism, and all the extra force The Dragon injected to the ambient from his own package plus the environmental fields you played.

Just remember this:

1- ego always tried to keep us low, it tricks us to believe that “that seemingly good thing” is not so good and you should stop that, “its harming you”

2- the Subconscious will always see something new as a threat, and react from a self preservation point filling you with fears and blockages, so you end up rejecting that new thing.

3- when there are low vibrational energies/entities/energetic worms, etc around you or even attached to you, they react like a roach when is spread with poison, trying to keep attached and not wanting to leave the place.

And all of that cocktail may end up making you feel uneasy, nervous, anxious etc

Your heart reaction wearing the Dragon to sleep, was nothing more than your fears, and him protecting you, and cleaning your space.

So my advice is, to ground yourself, play loops of ego dissolution and subconscious limit removal.

And in fact, if i was you i would actually play the exorcism and ask the Dragon to learn and copy that energy to continue cleaning IF or whenever he feels there is something about to enter your space.

Relax :relaxed:

Its a new big magic world you just stepped into, but you will be alright.

Communicate with him, tell him to transmute all those fears, to turn them into confidence etc however you wanna ask.

And he will.

He will learn you, and adjust to your needs, specially if you ask him.

Enjoy it!



Yeah I am trying but I am not getting much of an answer
I asked him to tickle my left hand if he can hear me but I don’t think anything happened

How energy sensitive are you tho?

Warm/cold sensations are more effective, but if nothing, start giving him small tasks, like easy to get through, that is the best way to test them.

Also teach him things then ask him to follow.

Its very easy, we just need to flow openly to possibilities.

Get an ice cube and tell him:

“Watch how my skin react, how i feel and my temperature when i rub this ice on me”

Then do it and once your body reacts like goosebumps, hair up etc

Ask him/tell him:

"Did you see that? How my hair went up due to the cold? How my body react?, pls learn those reactions, so when you want to warn me about something, somewhere, someone, answer to my questions is a no, make my hair go up, surround me with cold, get my skin up with goosebumps.

Then do the same with warm/ cozy feeling, like drinking a tea, warming up your hands in the fire etc and do the same thing.

Then teach him to make your body react like that when good things, people etc are around. Or when the answer is a yes.

Practice it several times with things, people that you know for sure are good or bad.

For example, you have an ex that was very bad to you.

Prepair the Dragon and tell him, ok so im gonna show you a picture of my ex, and you are going to make my body react depending on what you pick up his/her energy is. Is it good for me or bad?
“Remember, bad /ice reactions, good/warmth reactions”.

Then show him the picture and ask him again to answer you with the reactions of your body.

And keep doing this like that.

Thats how you strengthen your connection and communication, if you dont know how to conceptually communicate. The easier way then its through reactions they pick up the concept “energy” we emanate from thinking this or that. If you are not energy sensitive.

More questions…

Read lots through the posts here. :) ciao


I don’t really know as I am new to this but whenever I see a en energy charged picture I can feel the energy going in my body and btw thx for the advices


Hello, could you check my dragon? In the beginning I felt his presence more, today I feel it but not so much, I imagine that my vibration got used to his because during his creation and after his creation it was very strong, I always try to communicate and teach him according to the advice on the forum



These Dragon never go away from their original home even if you try or someone would maliciously evict them out of it to place them somewhere else… they would eventually return.

But just for tranquility of mind since i said what i said.

IT is there.

Keep giving him tasks daily and ask him to learn this and that so he will grow faster as well as the connection, also play some loops of the Dragon Intercession and animal Empathy from Dream Seeds so you can learn his language or the ways that are automatic for him to make you feel his presence.

I have quite a few Dragons all around my place and they have grown a lot there are a lot of things they already do on their own because i consistently practiced with them the first few months and the mental path connection is strong. I feel them chilling after wandering like if they were behind a curtain and sometimes i am busy doing something and focused on my phone and suddenly i feel “a presence” or “something” watching me so i turn around and is where one of them is (their house) that have simply opened the curtain “the thin veil” to say hi or remind me that he/she is there or to warn me of something or to ask me to ask him to do something, the more they grow the more they want to go do stuff.

And that thin veil i mentioned is why sometimes people dont feel them because even if they were created to play in our dimension and reality, even if they are servitors, as they grow they get more and more like real dragons and so they like to keep themselves in their vibration, which is not this one of us, they chill and hang out right there with us but with that thin veil that separate this heavy reality with the one they like.

But i always feel them with my astral body. I know they are right behing that energetic thin curtain even if my physical body does not feel their energy.


I feel it’s kinda similar with the tasks. The first time you feel the new “energetic input” strongly, afterwards it feels strongly only sometimes, if at all.

What I do now is to ask him/her to ground me. And I repeat and repeat the command until my legs are burning, or I get that signal of “leave me the hell alone already, I grounded you mofo”.


Would you believe I had made my dragon 2-3 years ago, and not once had I felt him? lol. How did I know he was there? Well, I remember one time I told him to get the ‘Magi’ energy, and another time, the ‘Serotonin Overloaded’ energy(I used this one first as I didn’t have the Magi tag at the time. I do not recommend this as it deals with neurotransmitters), and told him to make that energy 20 times stronger than it’s base level strength, and engorge me with it for some hours lol… Well, within like an hour I felt the energy so strong, felt like I popped an X pill from my younger days! I was like “Whoa!” and told him to stop immediately… :rofl: I only did this cuz I am energy sensitive only if the energy is strong enough (I.E. I had felt the energy buzz of the ‘Chakra’ tag and ‘Ascension’ tag strong, whereas other tags I would not feel them at all). So yeah, he/she is definitely there!



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Hey man, I remember your username from when I entered this forum for the first time about 2 years ago, it’s been a while since I saw you here. It’s good to see you active again, I’ve always liked reading your comments :smiley: :v: