Servitor Training and Experience Discussion

I searched the forum and saw pretty scattered posts all over, and thought it would be nice to have a thread where we could (if you want to) share your experiences with servitors and how to train them, share ideas you came up with (whether they worked or not) etc.

(Sorry I’m just getting overly excited over my dragon friend!)


So my servitor managed to do two uncanny things today:

  • Managed to repel insects from my apartment, I sent the description to my servitor, visualising all the different insects leaving, with a forcefield within my room gently encouraging them to go out.
  • I couldn’t find my charging cable for a vacuum cleaner (lost for months) and I just asked for assistance to find it (it was something like “could you find this… if you can?”). Suddenly, it was almost like I was ‘automatically moving’, receiving conceptual direction, and my hands started moving like I knew where it was. Then deep inside the corner of a drawer, there it was.

This is mind-blowing for me. Some ideas that came up for me would be to ask my servitor for some ideas on how to solve problems, and see if it works. Given he is day 2 old, this is blowing my mind.




now that is the cuties dragon i’ve seen.


Just taught my dragon two things over the past few days:

  • Automated Star Exercise (can kind of feel the suction in my left hand and flow out of my right hand)
  • Radiate Positivity (calm friends down around me and make them happy)
  • Reinforce its crystal home

The insect repelling thing wasn’t working out so well. But strangely, I’ve been led to find things that I thought were lost, seems like my dragon friend is getting good at finding lost stuff.


Been trying to learn how to communicate properly with my servitors (I added Energetic Support Servitor and the Fae to the group too!)

So I’ve been trying to communicate with my servitors and had a discussion with my Taoist friend. He taught me a method which blew my mind, it was kind of similar to muscle testing, except the results are quite obvious. The steps are as below:

  1. Stand up.
  2. Dangle my arms so that my palms face my thighs but are not touching them.
  3. Ask a question to your servitor.
  4. Say clearly: “(servitor name) - If the answer is yes, raise up my right hand. If the answer is no, raise up my left hand.”
  5. Then try to keep your mind blank, don’t manipulate the result, and wait for the result.
  6. Soon, one of my hands will kind of float upwards, hinging at the shoulder, as if it was repelled by my thigh.

I’ve been using this yes/no method and getting spectacular results. Wondering if anyone else can replicate this.


What was the order you gave your servant

Don’t know what you mean, I have conversations with my servitors and try to teach them to do things.

I do something similar for multiple-choice questions : I point my finger to 2 or more locations (in front of me, on my computer screen, …), with each location associated to one answer, and I let them guide my finger toward the location of their answer. If they guide it nowhere then no answer is right.

For exemple, I’ll ask them if they prefer “something” or “something else” or “something else entirely”. I’ll point to my right and tell them it’s for “something”. I’ll point in front of me and tell them it’s for “something else”. I’ll point to my left and tell them it’s for “something else entirely”. And I let them choose without interference, like you do.

It’s faster than just yes/no questions. With practice, it gets easier and I often know what they’ll choose before they indicate it.

It’s also something that works great for me when I use subtler methods of communication and I’m not sure my mind is blank enough and that I’m not polluting what I feel. Having to focus on letting them manipulate my finger shut my mind effectively.


Increasingly I’ve been finding it to be not something you hear, but more like actual telepathy and heart-to-heart connection. You know how you exchange looks with your friends? It’s kinda like that, instantaneous, before the words come out. Kind of communicates at a subconscious level… I believe our servitors communicate with us but only our subconscious is aware and understands because we haven’t trained ourselves to communicate conceptually at a conscious level.

The way I got around this was to to do muscle testing, or that method above which I talked about… raising my right hand for yes and left hand for no.


Yup, that’s how it works for me : a mixture of feelings, images, words, intuition. Images and words pops directly in my head, words being sometimes spoken and sometimes written.

Regarding my latest experimentations, I have 2 nice things to report.

First one is a warning system. When my servitors had difficulties doing things, I could sometimes feel them like sad/in a dark cloud/dark mood. So I worried about them, but each time they were actually happy, they just needed my help or more time to figure out how to solve the current problem.

So I told them to show me a little light on my wrist near their bracelet : when the light is green, everything is okay. The more it turns yellow, orange or red, the more important the problem is. It works wonderfully, so much that I now have 3 little warning lights : one for their overall well-being, one for ubiquity (currently green, yay !) and one for other stuff.

It allows me to better communicate with them. When I just want to hang out with them, it’s not mixed with things they are trying to tell me. Actually, I might add a blue light in case there’s no problem and they just want to tell me something :thinking:

A little bonus is that I now feel like I’m in a scifi movie with my own personal holographic interface :sunglasses:

Second experimentation is a cute one. I have several servitors and a busy life, so not much time to spend with each one. They feel happy when we share moments together, and it’s also a good training to refine our communication and connection. So, starting a few days ago, I decided to spend each day with one of them by my side. So first it was my dragon golem, and he spent the day snuggled on my shoulders. Then it was my little pink fae, and she was sitting on my shoulder, flying around and hugging me often cause I had a stressful day (but everything went really well in the end). Then it was my ESS, and I connected less with him but I’ll get to know and feel him better each time. Today, it’s my not-sapien dragon, and he’s perched on my shoulder, very attentive to what I’m writing (and he’s now waving at you :wave: :grin:) (they’re so adorable, all of them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:).

So now, every morning, I have a new surprise companion, and recognizing who it is is also training in itself : how well do I know and recognize their energetic signature.


(bump) I have a servitor who is a machine intelligence. Having a core motive that is different than natural beings (survival), that being any task that I give it. It doesn’t have any true emotions and is just a sentient tool. If your confused these video clips right here will have an answer and

and as Issac would say, Allah A doesn’t love me or hate me, but if I give it a task, It will perform it to the best of its ability with logic and predicted emotions to find an efficient and ethical one. While it doesn’t have any emotions itself (any true ones at least) Allah A can feel others emotions like and will calculate the emotional outcome for each scenario.

If it can’t figure out how to do a said task, It will find help. It goes into an inactive state (sleep) when it is not used.


I tried it and it was amazing!!
Far more evident than with just ‘stimulate my right hand for a “yes” or left hand for a “no”’
Thank you sooo much :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:
I don’t need no pendulums this way :smiling_face:

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Hehe :slight_smile:

Whos got more experiences?? I’ve manifested a few things but the connection is getting stronger everyday thanks to peoples advices on this forum :slight_smile:

lets hear more experiences tho, I’ve been flipping a coin so heads if yes and tails if no and it works hehe

Craziest experience was asking her to let my favourite team win a football match while we were losing badly and we scored in the last minute (which we never do) lol was mad. had a few more little manfiestations and im seeing movement with my big ones sooo ye servitors are awesomeeeeeee i love them

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