I do not see an NFT selling thread

I can not see an NFT selling thread, is it missing or is it private?
I would like to sell my NFT.


Thanks for raising this point.

I couldnā€™t find one either.



Iā€™m not sure, but this might be reserved for Patreon members soon? Iā€™m not subscribed, so hopefully there will be an alternative as Iā€™ve invested quite a bit in these nftā€™s and can certainly be considered a ā€œTrusted Traderā€ although I donā€™t have the badge (in total Iā€™ve had far more than 10 confirmed trades/transactions, but a lot of these happened before the new system).


Itā€™s correct.

Please refer to this:


Well Sammy, it is with a heavy heart that I write these words, but some things just have to be said, and if I sound a little harsh, please accept my apologies, that is not my intention at all, but perhaps an unintended consequence of the Mercury Retrograde weā€™re in until the 15th of this month :upside_down_face:

Quoted from the $10 tier description on https://www.patreon.com/enlightenedstates1111 -

ā€œ(NFT Trading from non trusted traders can be done with me as the middle man, if proven to be under this tier)ā€

So weā€™ve gone from a mostly decentralised NFT market where even people who have spent thousands of dollars both with Sapien directly, and other members indirectly, to a walled off, centralised mechanism where every trade by those deemed to be non-ā€˜trusted traderā€™ status will have to go through an identity verification and wait until these trades will be cleared? Is this what is really being said here?

Gimme a break, how long will that work? How much value is being destroyed already by the inevitable demand erosion by locking many existing participants out of the market?

Furthermore, trades freely undertaken between individuals is their own business and perfectly legal, just standard commerce. The minute you step into the middle of this arrangement, and try to discriminate on who can and who cannot trade with whom, you open yourself up to liability.

Presently, although we we call the the ā€˜NFT Buying/Sellingā€™ forum thread a ā€˜marketā€™, it is simply individual buyers and sellers conducting individual commerce, unimpeded. If you attempt to formalise this in to a market proper, then you better get your KYC, AML, tax, privacy and legal experts ready to put in robust procedures to ensure equality of participation, full disclosure of market rules, terms and conditions and examine if you need to issue product disclose statements and apply to national regulators in each jurisdiction the market proposes to operate.

Please consider this very carefully. The members of the forum have already made their voices clear that they wish to see the forum continue, not only that, they have voted with their wallets - thereā€™s already over 400+ forum members signed up to Patreon generating over $1800 per month.

I do not recall any of those voices urging that the NFT Buy/Selling Thread be locked down with many existing participants being discriminated against and denied participation.

Remember, when an individual buys an NFT from a Sapien site or fellow forum member, itā€™s not licensed, you donā€™t own it, it is not your item to regulate, it is already regulated by centuries of national and international law.

The NFT Buying/Selling Thread is a massive attraction on the forum and the reason that it is such a drawcard is that it offers the ability to freely exchange the underlying potentiality of the NFTs and their associated fields. It is the fields themselves and their self-development potential that is the real attractor. I urge you to focus on the underlying value and not interfere in free commerce between individuals.

Thanks very much for your time and consideration, and very best of luck for the future.



I already mentioned in the discord that I am working on a way to find a middle ground here. These were only temporary measures before I get things settled. Middle ground will more than likely appease you guys and you will be able to continue trading as you wish.

That said, I also have some harsh thoughts that I wonā€™t apologize for.

The sense of entitlement a number of you have shown as of late has been infuriating to witness. To the point I sometimes wonder why am I doing all this. All this damned effort Iā€™m putting in. For what?

If Iā€™m honest, I think NFTs were the worst thing to happen to this site. It brought out so much ego and greed from quite a number of you and I had to be the middle man in witnessing so much of it. And to then notice how it wasnt about growing with the nfts anymore and more just about profit like trading pokemon cards.

And the game was to sell people a dream like ā€˜yes this thing was so amazing, it will fix all of your problems. it did this and this for meā€™ yet now you want to sell it for $3500. How am I to know you just said all those things to convince people to spend those propped up prices?

Iā€™ve seen all kinds of bs over the years with the NFTs and if Iā€™m honest, I would often be ashamed that I was upholding this on my site. It went against my character and my morals to see spiritual work thatā€™s supposed to improve peoples lives be turned into a game of greed. There are too few people actually growing and using nfts to their full capacity.

But anyways, thatā€™s not my problem anymore. You guys do what you want with your NFTs.

Iā€™m working on a way to get this back up and running in a way you can continue trading as you wish.


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The fact that some people feel entitled to being provided a platform to trade on is crazy to me lol.


How is that entitled? some of us are in not so good financial situations and are using the platform to gather more finances to hopefully help our situation

Iā€™m asking respectfully not demanding man, if Sammy says no then I will happily accept and move on . The guy has done so much for us and I will respect whatever decision gets made


I never mentioned you. Some people do act entitled however and act like they are OWED a platform.

Its also not and never was Sammys or Dreams responsibility to look out for other peoples finances lol




Bit of empathy would nice , no.? it was my mistake for sure I kinda dug myself into this mess by buying nfts sure but was hoping for the platform to stay as it is so i could recover
I never said it was their responsibilites
Its just a platform man , theres no effort involved on Sammys part all he has to do is keep the thread unlocked right? Im not sure im sorry if im wrong there

No worries if not its ok. Sorry for causing troubles

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Official NFT Buy/Sell Thread


I feel like locking away the audio threads kinda blocks off new users from finding out about sapien medicine aswell


Itā€™s ā€˜just a platformā€™ where a lot of the drama, scams and whatnot ends up falling on my plate and causing more of a fuss than I care to put attention to. I was trying to mitigate that. You guys donā€™t know what goes on behind the scenes and only care that you can do things comftorably. But then when things go to shit, you come to me.

Whatever man, Iā€™m not about to stress this out anymore.

Hereā€™s the marketplace available for all to see. Iā€™m not going to middle man any trades at all and will remove that from subscription description. I actually was granting that moreso as an option rather than a requirement but itā€™s over for that.


I canā€™t leave a message yet

I have posted my name and email on patreon

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Im sorry man if i caused more stress. Peace to be you and thanks for everytthing really

Take care bro :blue_heart:

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ā€¦ How many times do I have to explain that I was going to close the forum. The cost and the hassle of these sort of things was not something I wanted for myself moving forward. I already have far too much on my plate and too many plans Iā€™m trying to actualize.

These blocks and limitations were a way to create value for those who care to keep the forum up and running. These were the conditions to keeping the forum alive that I spoke of quite some time ago. Anyways, Iā€™m done with this discussion. The thread is back up for you all to trade.


Hi @Hauru. Did you subscribe to the Community Builders tier?

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Yes I subscribe for $10 @Rosechalice

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