I do not support nor condone Bigotry and Racism


“There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.”
― St. Augustine


There are literally hundreds of archives on the Internet. The same goes for his apologies. An important aspect indeed, since there are many other people who don’t seem to know anything about the word “apology” nor ever use it. So credit to Sorbo. Credit as well for his positive message about Sapien Medicine and his ability to cultivate a more constructive attitude.

That said, there are some other cases (other than Sorbo’s case) for which an apology may not always suffice. That might be difficult to understand for people who’ve never been victim of racism. Making them accuse others of “victim mentality” too easily. Yes, too easily.

I’ve been thinking a lot again about the concept of compassion lately. Does it include the acknowledgement (be it temporarily) of someone’s negative emotions tinged with misjudgement? Or is this always a synonym of giving a useless “ego massage” to that person, hence consolidating their misjudgement? Where’s the limit? Has everybody in here already transcended the totality of their emotions/impulsive reactions, either “positive” or “negative”? “Judging” by the most utilized fields and literally every forum member’s reactions from time to time (yes, every. No exception), I doubt that…

Anyway, case closed. I did have the pleasure to discuss a little with SavageBlueMoon outside of the visible parts of the forum. So I maintain what I said about her. She will be missed by me at least. And remembered for other things than her last post. Just as Sorbo is remembered with his actions post-Ferguson.


His twitter feed seems very reasonable to me. Where did he called blacks animals?
He probably criticised the BLM movement. Thats not racism lol. Its an political movement. @Bronyraur


Go on YouTube and type “Kevin sorbo animal”

Kevin sorbo racism*

You can try both

Looool…thx for this

Sorbo’s case is about protests and riots that took place in Ferguson in 2014 after the shooting of a young “African American” person by a police officer. Episodic case, not chronic (therefore can’t be in his current social media pages).

Some may say “history” and of course it is. But so are older events that are still remembered by many…

My point was about compassion rather than stirring the soup. Anyway.

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I mean just look at the positivity of this man saying. Instead of what this person did in the past. If you simply don’t like this person then just don’t watch or at least take some good part of it like how he talk about strength. :woman_shrugging:t4: we all make mistakes anyway.

Plot twist

I used to be racist. Just saying


First of all, congratulations to you about that. It requires a hell of a guts to admit that and have the courage to change.

That message is lovely and impactful. No doubt about that. The only thing is that as much as the support of a public figure like him matters to me, so did the presence of a 8-month old member (maybe even older if she was lurking like some of us beforehand) who was for example always present at the Mass Meditations. Something as impactful as the video message but unfortunately overlooked because anonymous or not explored enough. They are equally valuable for me.


Well I did it all because years back I was extremely miserable. Took that over innocent being and insulting them randomly because my own projection. Owning your darker side is important. :slightly_smiling_face: and make peace with it as much as you can:)


What can I say… “Touché coulé” :trophy: :star2:

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He didn’t. He called rioters animals, you know, the ones looting and burning the city down for days… but hey :man_shrugging:

Is it an important distinction, maybe, who knows


I think it is a good message.

Maybe try to separate the message from the messenger to help?

It may be important to separate the message from the messenger


Exactly. Some may need to adjust their spectacles to read again the points that have been made.

It’s about 2 people who have actually, concretely contributed to this community (yes, I’m also referring to the mass meditations as well. Again).

There are facts about them. Ok, classified. Forgiven. That’s what most of us in this thread are using our saliva for, since last night for Aldebaran’s sake.

Why is that? Because neither of them can be defined by 1 or 2 of their actions. Both deserve a compassionate approach BECAUSE of the totality of what they are. And who knows what Kevin Sorbo has maybe suffered from during the 2014 events, after all? Maybe his garage was set on fire or something? Just as we don’t know about SavageBlueMoon’s background.

I don’t give a shit about textbook “life lessons” as long as they are used to only put someone who felt down even more down (a fellow forum member. Yes, a fellow. That aspect matters more than her being a celebrity or not).

Some depth required in here. Most of us here didn’t condemn Sapien Medicine nor Kevin Sorbo.

Last post on this thread and on the forum for a while. The “hit and run your butt away” mentality makes me sick.

I need some time to digest my drama. Peace.


Huh, that sht went full drama, but no one shared what Kevin said
Ferguson riots have very little to do with the shooting of the young man.

It is an excuse to be the losers these animals truly are. It is a tipping point to frustration built up over years of not trying, but blaming everyone else, The Man, for their failures. It’s always someone else’s fault when you give up.

Hopefully this is a reminder to the African Americans ( I always thought we just Americans. Oh, well.) that their President the [sic] voted in has only made things worse for them, not better

Btw there were all type of ethnicity in the riots.
It doesn’t seem that extreme, he criticizes rioting. Just ask and I’ll link some footage of people stealing stacks of TVs, burning cars, destroying and stealing a city for days.

And he apologized for it. For the quote above.

Now, on this forum of ego dissolver, vibration raiser, limit remover… don’t people agree that violence, stealing etc is bad ? That people should deal with their issues, improve, love and attract a better reality ?

The quote above is why Dream and Sammy are bigots… because somebody they talked to and who supported their spiritual channels (where they heal people for free) said the above.

Think about it


That sums up what’s wrong with cancel culture pretty nicely.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
What we need is to grow beyond the past, not feast on it.




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Hello, you don’t know me but I just want to say that coming from a similar background I completely understand where you are coming from, it saddens me that some forum members seem to take this lightly and expect us to “be the bigger person” it took me a long time and I still get mad when something like this happens, and I hope they never experience atleast what I experienced during my life in the form of racism but now I accept that if they never experienced such a thing, it’s hard to understand but I also hope you reconsider leaving this community as I’m sure you can by reading the responses see that it was not intentional as this is one of the few communities out there that doesn’t judge you based on what color skin you are or where you are from.


This a verse? Nicee. You mind explaining it more? :star_struck::100::euro: