I see ah videos of people who do testimony that said this kind of stuff , knowledge , spiritual stuff is nothing that ilusión ,and ah trap to keep us away from the walk of Christ ,is like think about ,what if all the people who are not awake ,they are not chosen by the demons ,but us are chosen ,is like we are part of the new.word.order ,we are the ones that create the one word religión they are talking about ah union ,and that’s the anti christ kindom ,when all the few people get enlightened and when we united that’s the time we are gonna be destroyed without been realice that all the time our life are.been controlled by demons ,make seems cuz think about why sadguru or.others spiritual teachers don’t get killed by the elite like they did with 2pac or John F Kennedy ,why they still ah life ?if they are talking the truth ? ,Why The elite or iluminaty don’t shut down the gaia.com or Gaia streaming app that has series of spiritual stuff ,think about it ,think about the poor people ,one of the poorest that lives in Africa Haiti etc how tthis Buddhism teach ,are in they favor ,how? Or poorest people are old souls ,that comited crimes ,and evilness in the past life so there it is the judgment for those souls ,ah life of.poores and question your self.how thes poors.people gonna know that of they cried or.worry about the hunger ,they will low the vibration so they will.suffer.more if.they die ,been in that stated and they are gonna born again and again in suffering ,not.make seems and i started to think that this stuff is still sourcery ,how do makes thing in our favor by altering the matter ,not knowing what happen in others area ,have you guys think about if.someone is get hurt by our egoistic desire ,making things in our favor ,?.i need answers man I think someone is trying to save me or.seekimg me and they started to manifest this kind of videos like people doing testimony quite new age knowledge to be saved by Jesus ,i read something that to see the truth and.the intention of these spritual guide disguise as demon you have to test that entities and go to church or.teach them.ah real bible if.they react you got the answers ,and i read that developing our energy system and expanding them is preparing.your body to be ah vessel for ah demon?
I don’t know what to believe anymore seriously