I got cursed on youtube commentary section!

So because I posted a laughing emoji on a comment on a youtube video someone Said som nasty words, i believe it was meant to be a curse.

How do I react to something like this?
It was of my belief that he was joking with the comment.

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What’s everything that’s not a curse?


Everytime somebody sends you negative suggestions/energy it is something like a “curse”.

Maybe by not taking it seriously?

Your reply doesn´t indicate any negative impact in your life, aside from your anxiety of it being a curse.

So from what I can see at this moment it´s YOU that allows and feeds this negative suggestion/energy.

Don´t give that person/group your power like that.


Not everything is a curse. :joy:
Curse it to harm, to injure something.

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I know. :wink:

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By blessing them with loving-kindness and spiritual evolution, from your heart.
Three benefits: 1. The positive vibrations you emit will transmute any possible non-benevolent energy sent by them. 2. By blessing them you get blessed yourself. 3. Their behavior might change for good.

That’s why the sacred teaching of returning hatred with love.


from what book is that pic?

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Maybe buy curse removal, we all have generations of curses to remove but then move on. Sammy has a good thread about how belief can make things worse


Ha ha, I have this book from which this picture is from :blush:



Thank you @JAAJ


I think you are fine, some people curse all the time, for some it is almost like a sport, anyway, there is a free shield from Captain, plus there are a ton of techniques to defend yourself, like the one mentioned by @noOne.

Also people say all sorts of bad words, including putting curses and bad energies on themselves, like wishing they were dead and all sorts of low/bad vibe words, so I would not worry about random keyboard warriors lol.

Just a sec.

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I do this but mostly cause yes, when you’re cursed you feel all anxious and this basically allows me to let go really fast. We aren’t alone in this world and only a few people are enemies you must defeat. Everyone else is gone with a thought and a wink. That’s my experience.

I’ve only done this after some street witch grabbed my hand and said some stuff. Anxiety didn’t last long after I prayed to bless her.

Some random dude from the streets (could have been a drug addict, dealer, secret policeman or just some bored dude) made me nervous and after a lot of reflecting on it, my mind automatically changed what the encounter meant. If only we had more time to process what happens to us :roll_eyes:

In this case I don’t remember if I blessed him, I just wanted to understand what happened. Then, my memory of the encounter changed. It moved from the center of my mind’s screen to the left side, and a light was falling on the guy as if he was an angel. I saw him as a teacher. Realized I had judged him and that judging is always a choice, happens unconsciously but I still chose to do it. The judgement released and I don’t know…got blessed by it.

Ok enough. Point is, don’t worry.


Just say “ch’aim” and don’t be a dick back.