I have a big problem! Is there a free laser field for the forearm area?!

I lasered my forearms many years ago. Then I had to not continue lasering my skin. Because each time rashes appeared on my skin. Listening to the skin regeneration field doesn’t make it better, even the field may make it worse.
Here is my condition: Thin hair stucks under the skin. I had (have) to scrub my skin and moisturize it. Sometimes there’s no problem, but some other times the hair can’t come out of the skin and scars appear on my skin. I can’t laser my skin because my skin may burn or I may face other skin problems.

(I wish there was a magic word for healing different parts of my skin. Since I was 13 years old, I’ve had different skin problems. And this new problem is bothering me).

I said “my skin” a hundred times! Lol

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Have you tried any of these?
Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal
REVERSE AGING - Boost NAD+ Levels + Skin Cell Regeneration
Skin Ulcers, Deep Gouges and General External Wound Healing


None of these fields help me to get rid of the main problem. There was a laser field for legs and one for chest area. Is there any field for forearm areas? I didn’t find it.

What u have are ingrown hairs.
I have some of this on my legs from having used a depilatory device years ago. (And from getting my legs waxed once 30 yrs ago-I released those hairs)
What needs to be done is to release the entrapped hair, yep, one at a time.
U can try exfoliating the area on a regular basis, depending on how deep the hair is embedded this may help.
Mostly likely the individual hairs will need to be released and the area healed afterwards.
So far I havent found a SM field that helps in releasing the hair. But of course there are fields to help it heal afterwards.

U may have scarring from the laser procedure. I cant really tell which. The pic isnt close enough. If it is scarring there are SM fields for skin scarring

P.S. I wish u wouldnt have changed /added to your original posting with the info I gave u in this post. Its considered not good manners.


Sorry, those are the only ones about skin damage that I am aware of.

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The point is that each time a different part of the skin gets damaged.

So stop lasering your hair.
Perhaps visit a dermatologist to find out if there is anything that can be done.

Good luck on healing your skin.

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You can try Experimental Keratosis Pilaris Treatment (Energetically Programmed) - YouTube but it may or may not work.

As I said I don’t laser my skin. I thought there might be a field tgat I’m not aware of.

Good luck on healing your skin.


Not a free field but there is (was?) New Release: Full Body Hair Removal.

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I was looking for something that works directly on that special area (forearms)

Anyway thanks to you.

And thanks to all friends who wanted to help me.

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