I have to give a serious reminder to everyone about this addiction

Why ehteric cord cutter? What will it do?

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Well, I used to watch some bad stuff (BDSM) as well (curiosity sometimes is not a blessing), so porn can definitely mess with your head, one way or another…
I failed after a few months without porn, since I watched it again :man_facepalming:,…, well, somehow I will get rid of it for good (I became more knowledgeable after reading a post from @JAAJ, so now at least I know better).

Well, there is no such thing as a free ride and apparently those porn sites and models are infected/full of energetic parasites, hence why we need to cut those links/cords with the porn industry.

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Okay I should definetly use it then. My list is hella long atm hopefully it won’t clash with anything. Btw should you think about the BDSM while listening to etheric cord cutter or the field recognizes the “bad stuff” by itself?

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I think it’s done automatically, but I’m not an expert, perhaps someone else can enlighten us.
I personally listen with or without thinking about what needs to be cut from my life.

It’s not good to create a morality and ideal around “staying clean”.

Maybe you’re feeling good not only because you quitted porn but also because you’re living in harmony within that morality and ideal that was created for you.

And once you fail to reach that ideal version of yourself, then guilt, anxiety, paranoia and all sorts of things attached to it happen.

I’d say that it’s not only about porn, but also all the ideal images, guilt, morality that exists around that issue, which makes it more serious.

By erasing all the morality, ideal images around the subject, maybe you won’t be even tempted to watch porn in the first place, because there’s no anxiety, fear and guilt that fuels into the addiction.


Very helpful. I think it comes down to a kind of unconditional love for oneself. That doesn’t mean that you just accept and condone all your actions, but it does mean that all these negative emotions surrounding relapses fade away. And paradoxically, being softer on yourself will probably allow you to release the pornography addiction much easier than being hard on yourself.

I’ve been through phases where if I’m sticking to my goals and ideals I feel great about myself. But if I slip up then I fall into a cycle of self loathing. I thought being tough on myself was actually the most effective way to go about it but now looking back, holding myself in positive emotions even if I’ve done something short of my standards is the way to go.

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Yes, the ego is very tricky, that’s why one needs to stay tuned and pay attention to all the ways in which it feeds.